Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

ABC will continue to lose out under Liberals

3 April, 2019 - Scott Morrison’s pre-election budget has confirmed cuts to the ABC will continue under the Liberals, the Greens say.   “This is a government tha...

Greens Give Morrison Budget an 'F' on School Funding

3 April, 2019 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW and Spokesperson for Education, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has given the Federal Budget an F on school funding and has...

Lethal shark culling to end in Great Barrier Reef

2 April, 2019 - Healthy Oceans spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today praised the order from the Administrative Appeals Tribunal which will see an end ...

Federal Budget a cynical mess: Greens

2 April, 2019 - This budget is a cynical attempt to buy votes instead of planning for the nation’s looming challenges. What we needed was a plan to tackle the c...

$324 billion reasons the PRRT is a joke

1 April, 2019 - Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today commented on new tax statistics released by the ATO revealing tax credits to oil and ga...

Compensation for Australia's thalidomide survivors must be allocated in tomorrow's federal budget

1 April, 2019 - Monday, 1 April 2019 Australian Greens Disability Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has supported calls by Thalidomide Group Austra...

Labor dishes up dog's breakfast of Liberal leftovers on climate

1 April, 2019 - Labor dishes up dog's breakfast of Liberal leftovers on climate Greens’ climate change spokesperson and Co-Deputy Leader, Adam Bandt, said that ...

Greens urge Labor to go further on waste plan

31 March, 2019 - Waste & Recycling spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today welcomed Labor’s new commitment to tackling Australia’s waste crisis but urge...

Pauline Hanson

28 March, 2019 - Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim says words of condemnation for Pauline Hanson’s repugnant comments about Port Arthur are not enough.   “...

Greens announce climate and energy election plan

28 March, 2019 -       Greens announce climate and energy election plan The Australian Greens have released their climate and energy plan for the upcoming fed...

Back off Barnaby

26 March, 2019 - Barnaby Joyce should be blaming his party’s consistent backing of corporate cotton for his electoral woes, not water flowing into South Austral...

Defence projects of concern management creates its own concern

26 March, 2019 - Greens Defence spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, commented on the release of the Auditor-General’s report into Defence’s Management of ...

After One Nation Gun Revelations, Scott Morrison must commit to putting them last

26 March, 2019 - Australian Greens Gun Control Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has commented on reports that Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party has been me...

A shortlist with coal is a shortcut to climate change

26 March, 2019 - A shortlist with coal is a shortcut to climate change Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today reacted to the Coalitio...