Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Merger talks must not risk South Australians accessing university

19 June, 2018 - The Greens won’t support any Uni SA/University of Adelaide merger if it means cutting courses, cutting jobs, closing campuses or compromising on...

South Australians worse off if tax cuts pass

18 June, 2018 - South Australia is set to lose $554 million in funding for essential services if the Turnbull Government’s income tax cuts pass the Senate this ...

450GL must be legislated to restore faith and help save the River

18 June, 2018 - The Australian Greens will move an amendment to the Water Amendment Bill 2018, listed on the Senate schedule for today, to include the delivery ...

Libs move to sell off ABC electorally toxic

16 June, 2018 - The Liberal Party Council has exposed Malcolm Turnbull’s secret plan to sell off the ABC, the Australian Greens say. “Malcolm Turnbull’s secret ...

Waters to return to the Senate in September

16 June, 2018 - Former Greens Senator Larissa Waters will become the first senator section 44’d to return to the seat she won, as Senator Andrew Bartlett who re...

Re-regulation of prices needed to fix power mess: Greens

15 June, 2018 - Re-regulation of prices needed to fix power mess: Greens Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that the latest ...

Death on Nauru

15 June, 2018 - The death of person who sought asylum in Australia but was exiled offshore for five years is a another bloody stain on Australia’s national cons...

MDBA and Government obstructing transparency in attempt to avoid SA Royal Commission

14 June, 2018 - The Australian Greens have slammed the Liberal Government and Murray Darling Basin Authority for attempting to corrupt the South Australian Roya...

Labor and Liberals ignore the Tarkine/takayna

14 June, 2018 - Comments from Labor and Liberal candidates for Braddon about takayna show how ignorant the old parties are about the values of the area. “The Ta...

Lowering the voting age to 16 must be considered to address creeping generational insecurity: Steele-John

14 June, 2018 - Thursday, 14th June 2018 Australian Greens Youth Affairs spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has responded today to research showing youth u...

A vote for Downer is a vote for oil and gas drilling in the Bight

12 June, 2018 - Georgina Downer has responded to polling that shows 73.9 per cent of Mayo wants World Heritage protection for the Great Australian Bight by show...

Mayo supports Greens push for World Heritage protection of Great Australian Bight

10 June, 2018 - The Australian Greens have welcomed the release of polling that shows 73.9 per cent of the people of Mayo support the Greens’ push for World Her...

Ministerial Council sells out South Australia and fails the River

8 June, 2018 - South Australia has been sold out and the Murray has been failed following the Ministerial Council’s decision to crabwalk away from the Murray Da...

Foreign Influence Legislation

8 June, 2018 - Labor and the Liberals have again stitched up a cosy deal to reduce people’s basic rights and freedoms, Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim sa...

SA Water minister must stand up for our state and the River

7 June, 2018 - Australian Greens Murray Darling Basin spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has written to South Australian Water Minister David Speirs urging...