Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Nine/Fairfax deal a blow to public interest journalism

30 July, 2018 - Media diversity in Australia has taken a hit today following the announcement of the Nine/Fairfax merger, The Greens say. “This merger paints a ...

Statement from Senator Sarah Hanson-Young on 3AW apology

30 July, 2018 - “I was pleased to hear 3AW apologise on air on Sunday. This apology further evidences how reprehensible and defamatory Senator Leyonhjelm’s stat...

The Bight must be protected, not exploited by big fossil fuels

25 July, 2018 - The fossil fuels industry is spruiking an economic boon that would benefit them, not South Australians, if oil and gas drilling were to go ahead...

South Australia rejects Liberal Government’s nuke waste dump

25 July, 2018 - Australian Greens nuclear spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed the Liberal Government’s bribe to the Hawker and Kimba communities...

Labor must reject National Energy Guarantee: Bandt

20 July, 2018 - Australian Greens climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has welcomed reports Federal Labor intends to reject the National Energy Guarant...

Victims of sexual assault and harassment must be supported: Greens

20 July, 2018 - The Australian Greens are encouraging universities to adopt the guidelines for sexual assault and harassment put forward by Universities Austral...

The Greens’ plan to protect takayna/Tarkine

20 July, 2018 - The Greens have a plan to protect takayna/the Tarkine in a National Park that is owned and run by Aboriginal Tasmanians. Greens candidate for Br...

Turnbull and Tudge should stop dividing

20 July, 2018 - The Turnbull Government should stop punishing and demonising migrants if it wants to help people settle in Australia, Greens Immigration and Cit...

Five years of indefinite offshore detention

19 July, 2018 - Five years of offshore detention is five years too long, Greens Immigration Spokesperson Nick McKim says. “There are many hundreds of people sti...

Greens welcome ACTU climate action

19 July, 2018 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson on climate and energy, Adam Bandt MP, has welcomed the ACTU’s adoption at its National Congress...

AEMO report shows only ‘6 coal-fired power stations’ will be left: Bandt

17 July, 2018 - Despite government spin, the electricity market operator’s plan released today shows a future with almost no coal-fired power is coming, Greens ...

Greens Call on NSW Premier to Follow Queensland and Decriminalise Abortion

16 July, 2018 - Greens NSW MP and Spokesperson for the Status of Women, Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, has reacted to today’s news that the Queensland Government will i...

Time to end the import of ‘fake’ Aboriginal Art

13 July, 2018 - The Australian Greens have announced today (Friday) they will introduce legislation to ban the import and sale of fake Aboriginal art, to overha...

Labor locks in behind cruelty

12 July, 2018 - Comments from both Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese confirm Labor has abandoned all compassion on refugee policy, Greens Immigration spokespers...

If you’re ‘technology agnostic’ you’re committing a climate crime: Bandt

12 July, 2018 - If you’re ‘technology agnostic’ you’re committing a climate crime: Bandt Greens Acting Leader and climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Ba...