Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases


27 September, 2016 -

Liberals congratulate themselves on removing our fruit growers' competitive advantage

27 September, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has heavily criticised the Federal Government for continuing to put forward a new...

Macfarlane’s new job at Queensland Resources Council is revolving door in action

26 September, 2016 - Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Lee Rhiannon and Greens mining and resources spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters have commented on Ia...

SA death in custody needs independent investigation

26 September, 2016 - The Australian Greens have called for an independent investigation into the death of a young Aboriginal man in a South Australian prison wh...

Senate Reform – Nick's Speech

23 September, 2016 - Senator McKIM I am very proud to rise to support the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill 2016, legislation that puts the power over prefe...

Education meeting failure; no road-map towards needs-based funding

23 September, 2016 - The Australian Greens have criticised today's meeting of Education Minister's as a talk-fest, saying that it has done nothing to move towar...

OECD calls for action on infrastructure and housing

23 September, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, commented today on the release of the OECD’s Interim Economic Outlook. Senator Wh...

Pretty speeches abroad, human rights violations at home

22 September, 2016 - The Prime Minister's pitch for UN Human Rights Council Membership appears to be operating in a parallel universe, the Australian Greens sai...

Needs based funding required, not government excuses for funding cuts

22 September, 2016 - Needs based support for schools must be guaranteed beyond the funding cliff set up by the Abbott/Turnbull government, the Australian Greens...

Greens call on Morrison and Joyce to come to Tasmania to face the music on the backpacker tax

21 September, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson and Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, says that Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison need to take responsi...

Australia's Humanitarian Intake

21 September, 2016 - Prime Minister Turnbull has confirmed overnight that Australia’s humanitarian intake will remain below 2012-13 levels, Greens Immigration s...

PM begging for TPP trade agreement against Aus interest

20 September, 2016 - Malcolm Turnbull should stop begging the United States to pass the disastrous Trans-Pacific Partnership and instead act in the national int...

BP drilling decision delayed, should be rejected

19 September, 2016 - The national regulating body NOPSEMA's decision to delay its decision relating to BP's application to drill for oil in the Great Australian...

Intelligence review should encompass entire counter-terrorism framework

19 September, 2016 - A review of intelligence services should be broadened to consider the entirety of Australia’s counter-terrorism framework, Greens Justice s...