Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens move for Royal Commission into Australia’s detention regime

30 August, 2016 - The Greens have introduced a motion in the Senate calling on the Government to hold a Royal Commission into Australia’s immigration detention ...

Greens propose powerful parliamentary alternative if Turnbull baulks on banking Royal Commission

25 August, 2016 - The Greens spokesperson for Finance, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, said, “If the Turnbull Government refuses to act on establishing a Royal Comm...

Federal Government needs to pitch in for Tasmania's water infrastructure needs

24 August, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Finance, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today called on Tasmanian Liberal Senators to provide federal assistance for TasW...

Federal Environment Minister is undermining Aboriginal Heritage Protections

23 August, 2016 - Greens Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, says that new Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg, by joining with the Hodgman Government in...

Government needs to act to stop more veterans’ suicides

23 August, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Veterans’ Affairs, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today called on the government to act on the recommendations of the rec...

Morrison should take a look in the mirror to see what’s frustrating super funds

22 August, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for finance, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, responded to Scott Morrison’s exhalations about superannuation funds’ level of in...

Greens push for national takeover of energy market after COAG fails on renewables

19 August, 2016 - Greens energy spokesperson Adam Bandt today said that the Greens will push to give the Commonwealth power for a national takeover of the energ...

Career opportunity

19 August, 2016 - Senator Larissa Waters is seeking a Media Adviser to manage media strategy and its implementation. The Media Adviser will build the Senator's ...

Greens pledge to protect 18C as many times as it takes

17 August, 2016 - The Australian Greens say they will keep standing with the community to protect Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, in the face of r...

Old parties plan to buddy up to cut $1 billion of clean energy funding as soon as Parliament returns

17 August, 2016 - The Greens condemn the Turnbull Government plan, announced today, to rip more than $1 billion from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency as s...

Greens offer Labor, Coalition fairer way to raise $6.5 billion

17 August, 2016 - In response to Malcolm Turnbull’s call on Labor to back a ‘Budget repair’ bill containing $6.5 billion of harsh cuts, Greens Treasury spokespe...

Greens pledge support for ARENA and renewables in SA

17 August, 2016 - The Greens will support renewable energy projects in South Australia by voting against the Coalition's proposed billion dollar cuts to the Aus...


16 August, 2016 - So much of the beautiful takayna / Tarkine region remains untouched by any development, but so much remains unprotected. We have previously ga...

Time to pull the plug on second Basslink

15 August, 2016 - Warwick Smith’s sudden resignation from the viability study of a second Basslink cable should prompt an urgent rethink of the proposal, Greens...

Dutton & Wilson Security must be made accountable for cover-up of child abuse on Nauru

11 August, 2016 - Revelations that the government contractor Wilson Security appears to have misled the Australian parliament over a number of child abuse incid...