Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Cape Grim and poll finding global warming a vote-changer show old parties ignoring science and community

16 May, 2016 - Confirmation from Cape Grim that atmospheric carbon dioxide has reached 400 parts per million and another poll showing Australians want action on...

Greens will legislate to protect penalty rates, Labor should too

16 May, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today joined Greens candidate for Grayndler Jim Casey to announce that the Greens will leg...

Auto industry left crashing while Labor & Liberals asleep at the wheel

16 May, 2016 - Greens Industry spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Australian auto industry has crashed because Labor and the Liberals have been asleep at...

John Church’s treatment is emblematic of CSIRO fiasco

15 May, 2016 - Greens Senator for Tasmania, and Chair of recent Senate Inquiry into CSIRO budget cuts, offers the following comments on redundancy notice issued...

Greens: Complicated Nauru pregnancy should have been brought to Australia

14 May, 2016 - The young mother who was sent from Nauru and is now fighting for her life in a Brisbane Hospital, along with her newborn baby, had a complicated ...

Landmark report shows need to modernise logging industry

13 May, 2016 - Landmark report shows need to modernise logging industry In light of a landmark report by the NSW National Parks Association on the failure of th...

Chocolate money in the pork barrel leaves a bad taste for Tasmania

13 May, 2016 - The cynical rebranding of old money is a transparent electoral ploy by a government desperate to hang on to its marginal Tasmanian seats, Greens ...

Greens will reverse cuts to Australia Council & the arts

13 May, 2016 - Greens Arts spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Greens will reverse the Liberals’ devastating cuts to the Australia Council following repor...

Nauru mother and baby critical

13 May, 2016 - Following an emergency medical evacuation after a caesarean birth, all families including women and children on Nauru need to be brought back to ...

QLD families to be slugged $287m by childcare delay

12 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens have expressed concern for the thousands of Queensland families who will be disadvantaged by the government's decision to d...

RBA alumni exposes the Government’s negligence on infrastructure

12 May, 2016 - The Australian Greens finance spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today welcomed the call by former Reserve Bank Governor, Warwick McKibbin...

Nauru death needs independent investigation

11 May, 2016 - With the death of yet another person in Australia's care on Nauru, the Australian Greens have again expressed their condolences and called for an...

Cape Grim will send a message to the world on climate change

11 May, 2016 - Senator Whish-Wilson said, "Cape Grim is the world's sentinel for measuring the atmosphere's carbon dioxide levels. When Cape Grim records 400 pp...

Only party preferencing Liberals is Labor: Bandt

10 May, 2016 - Greens Federal Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt MP today said the only party preferencing the Liberals is Labor. “There is no deal. Let's be clear...

Container Deposit Scheme is an inevitability for Tasmania

9 May, 2016 - Senator Whish-Wilson said that the decision by the NSW Government to adopt a container deposit scheme was a big win for community campaigners arou...