Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Anti-siphoning scheme ignores women’s sports and streaming services

28 March, 2023 - An updated anti-siphoning list has been tabled in the parliament today with one glaring omission: women’s sport. The Government has also failed...

Government must act on abattoir allegations

28 March, 2023 - Last night’s 7.30 report exposed the horrific suffering endured by pigs in Australian abattoirs when they are stunned using CO2 before slaughte...

Urgent cost-of-living response needed for women and children in poverty

28 March, 2023 - Recent reports from ACOSS and analysis by Anti-Poverty Week have confirmed that poverty and homelessness are disproportionately impacting women...

Greens secure hit on coal and gas in Safeguard deal

27 March, 2023 - HARD CAP AND POLLUTION TRIGGER, BEETALOO AND OTHER 116 NEW COAL AND GAS PROJECTS ON THE ROPES The Greens have negotiated significant changes...

Labor deals blow to renewable energy transition

24 March, 2023 - The Greens say the government must include funding for an independent statutory National Energy Transition Authority (NETA) in the May budget a...

Murdoch Royal Commission needs support from all sides of politics

21 March, 2023 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens Spokesperson for Media and Communications, has welcomed the appointment of Malcolm Turnbull and Sharan Burro...

Greens MP: Government must act now to prevent further harm to trans community

19 March, 2023 - Stephen Bates MP for Brisbane and Australian Greens’ Spokesperson for LGBTQIA+ wrote to Immigration Minister Andrew Giles on 19 January, callin...

$368 billion nuclear submarine deal will be a “millstone” for Albanese: Bandt

17 March, 2023 - 17 March 2023  As the Prime Minister doubles down on the subs deal with the purchase of an additional 220 nuclear-capable missiles, Gre...

Overwhelming support for Student Debt Freeze in Senate Inquiry

16 March, 2023 - Submissions to a Senate inquiry into a bill introduced by Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Spokesperson for Edu...

Government must reckon with Islamophobia

15 March, 2023 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Anti-racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has urged the Government to reckon with the ugly reality of...

$368+ billion on submarines puts Illawarra at risk of nuclear attack while forcing funding cuts to the regions

14 March, 2023 - $368+ billion on submarines puts Illawarra at risk of nuclear attack while forcing funding cuts to the regions Today’s $368+ billion submari...

Australia should restore the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

14 March, 2023 - Greens Deputy Leader and Anti-Racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has called on the Labor Government to restore “Harmony Day”, held annu...

Much to gain from embracing First Nations culture in tourism policy

13 March, 2023 - The World Indigenous Tourism Summit begins today in Perth/Boorloo. A joint initiative of the World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA) and West...

Greens vow to protect the right to protest

10 March, 2023 - The Greens have today unveiled plans for legislative changes that will unravel the state's anti-protest regime and protect the important right ...