Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

How to compound the gender pay gap: Women get half as much as men from stage 3 tax cuts

28 July, 2021 - Costings by the independent Parliamentary Budget Office reveal an incredible gender and income bias in the benefit of proposed stage 3 tax cuts....

New PBO costing reveals extreme inequality of tax cuts for the rich

27 July, 2021 - New costings by the Parliamentary Budget Office reveal the extreme inequality of stage 3 tax cuts, which give as much to the top 1% of income ea...

Why wait? The Green's anti-corruption bill could be voted on next week

27 July, 2021 - The Greens say Australia can have a robust and effective federal anti-corruption framework in place within weeks if the government brings the Gr...

Labor’s complete capitulation on tax cuts for billionaires a betrayal

26 July, 2021 - The Greens have slammed Labor's reported capitulation on Stage 3 Tax Cuts, saying the resolution to back the Liberals and not repeal the unfair ...

Greens urge Arts Minister to stop talking and start spending

26 July, 2021 - The Morrison Government must urgently deliver targeted and adequate funding support to the the Arts and Entertainment Industry, the Greens say. ...

Research shows 260,000 Australians at risk of slipping below the poverty line

26 July, 2021 - The Greens have released new research showing up to 260,000 single parents, students and jobseekers in locked-down states of NSW, Victoria and S...

Labor's negative gearing betrayal

26 July, 2021 - Australian Greens Housing spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to Labor’s move to dump its commitment to winding back negative gear...

Greens call for younger people to have access to vaccines

24 July, 2021 - The National Vaccine Strategy should be adapted to reflect the changing nature of the pandemic, which is increasingly putting young people and c...

Greens push legislation for JobKeeper repayment

23 July, 2021 - In response to new research showing $4.6 billion in JobKeeper went to businesses that increased their turnover through the first wave of the Cov...

Greens back calls for greater support for Arts Industry

23 July, 2021 - Greens Spokesperson for the Arts and Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young has backed calls today for greater support for the hard-hit ...

Australia's biggest coal and gas customer to slash coal and gas use by 2030

22 July, 2021 - Australia’s biggest thermal coal and LNG customer, Japan, has announced new 2030 targets for their electricity sector, slashing the amount of co...

JobKeeper 2.0 and JobSeeker lift needed: Greens

20 July, 2021 - The Morrison Lockdowns in Sydney and Melbourne are taking a political toll on the Prime Minister, but the Greens say the long-term damage of the...

Anti-Muslim racism revealed in AHRC report

20 July, 2021 - Australian Greens Anti-racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that a new report by the Australian Human Rights Commission has found...

JobKeeper 2.0 & lifted JobSeeker needed as PM's failures bite

19 July, 2021 - The Morrison Lockdowns in Sydney and Melbourne are taking a political toll on the Prime Minister, but the Greens say the long-term damage of the...

Australia must implement carbon price to avoid EU tariffs: Greens

16 July, 2021 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has called for the urgent return of the Greens/Labor/Independent carbon price and the lifting of 2...