Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Labor joins government in undemocratic attack on minor parties

24 August, 2021 - The Greens say Labor’s decision today to wave through changes to the Electoral Act that will increase membership minimums and give existing pa...

Far-right military infiltration shocking but not surprising

23 August, 2021 - The Greens say that reports of far-right extremists and neo-Nazis in the Australian military should not come as a surprise, but do further spu...

Greens urge Labor to announce 2030 targets to pressure Morrison before Glasgow

20 August, 2021 - Labor’s belated recognition that Scott Morrison’s 2030 climate targets aren’t good enough is a move in the right direction, said Greens Leader...

Greens slam Morrison’s fudging of vaccination numbers

20 August, 2021 - Greens leader Adam Bandt said Scott Morrison’s announcement today that children would not be included in vaccination targets was a political d...

Greens announce candidate in most winnable Liberal seat

20 August, 2021 - The Greens are thrilled to announce educator, NGO consultant and local mum Sonya Semmens as the candidate for the federal seat of Higgins in t...

Australian Government needs to expedite bridging visas for Afghans

20 August, 2021 -   The Australian Government should immediately issue bridging visas to Afghan people in Afghanistan who have made substantive visa applicatio...

Government must provide immediate aid to support women and girls in Afghanistan

19 August, 2021 - Greens senators Larissa Waters, Mehreen Faruqi and Janet Rice have written to the Minister for Women and Foreign Affairs Marise Payne to urge ...

Women falling behind as gender pay gap widens

19 August, 2021 - The Greens have renewed their calls for action on closing the gender pay gap after the Workplace Gender Equality Agency today revealed that th...

Blaming individuals is not a Covid strategy

18 August, 2021 - Statement from Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, following today’s announcement of 633 new locally-acquired Covid-19 cases in NSW: “T...

Morrison's Afghan Refugee Offer an Insult

18 August, 2021 - Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s refusal to increase Australia’s humanitarian intake to respond to the Afghanistan crisis is an insult and a fa...

Prospective Marriage Visa holders

18 August, 2021 - The Greens welcome the news that holders of Prospective Marriage Visas, who applied more than 12 months ago, will be exempt from the travel ba...

Australia must go beyond our annual humanitarian intake to support Afghanistan

17 August, 2021 - The Greens have responded to reports the Australian Government will pause deportations to Afghanistan, saying it is not nearly enough given ou...

Early learning services must be supported

16 August, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that early learning and care services impacted by lockdowns must be s...

Neo-Nazi revelations more evidence of far-right organising

16 August, 2021 - A shocking investigation by Nine into Australia’s largest white supremacist group has uncovered the most horrific evidence yet of a growing fa...

Electoral Act amendments would undermine democracy and stifle dissent

16 August, 2021 - The Greens are calling on Labor and the crossbench to oppose government amendments to the Commonwealth Electoral Act that would limit democrat...