Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens to refer offshore wind farm bill to inquiry for scrutiny

2 September, 2021 - The Greens have welcomed the introduction of the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill 2021 and Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Regu...

PM dodging accountability with new national cabinet secrecy laws

2 September, 2021 - The PM continues to do all he can to duck transparency and accountability with new laws that would overturn a recent court decision by shiel...

Government and One Nation leave women unsafe by blocking amendments

1 September, 2021 - The government and One Nation have blocked crucial amendments from the Greens and Labor that would have implemented the centrepiece of the R...

Workers lose as corporations gain

1 September, 2021 - Companies claiming a bigger share of profits at the direct expense of workers shows the need to properly tax big corporations and the super ...

Ley not giving devils their due

1 September, 2021 - The Greens have condemned Environment Minister Sussan Ley for lifting a ban on Venture Minerals trucking ore at night along a 112km stretch ...

Greens introduce bill to ban greyhound export

1 September, 2021 - The Greens have introduced a bill to parliament that would ban the export of greyhounds from Australia for commercial purposes including bre...

Greens introduce bill for Federal Environment Watchdog

31 August, 2021 - The Greens have today introduced legislation to establish a Federal Environment Watchdog to enforce Australia’s environment laws.  Greens Envi...

Harvey Norman makes record profits as inequality soars

31 August, 2021 - Harvey Norman’s record profits show the need to make big corporations and billionaires pay their fair share of tax, the Greens say. “Harvey No...

Nothing but the sound of silence on Equal Pay Day

31 August, 2021 - On Equal Pay Day the Greens have called on the PM to act immediately to close the gender pay gap, with the gulf between men’s and women’s earn...

A Bill to increase ADF transparency and ensure a vote of Parliament before ADF deployment

29 August, 2021 - Greens bring on a bill to increase ADF transparency, scrutiny, and ensure a vote of both houses of parliament would be needed for the ADF to e...

Morrison Government condemned for Tasmania's dodgy foreign investment approvals

27 August, 2021 - A Senate Inquiry that investigated Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approvals has used key Tasmanian case studies to blast the Federal G...

Royal Commission Confidentiality & Whistleblower Protections Pass the Senate

25 August, 2021 - The Greens and the disability community have achieved another huge win! After years of raising the alarm that the confidentiality provisions i...

Labor joins the Liberals to lock in climate bomb fracking rort

25 August, 2021 - The Australian Greens have savaged Labor’s decision to vote with the Liberals today in the Senate to spend public money opening up massive gas...

Ley must act to protect Tasmanian devils

25 August, 2021 - The Greens have called on Environment Minister Sussan Ley to protect Tasmanian devils from becoming mining-industry roadkill by rejecting Vent...

Labor joins government in undemocratic attack on minor parties

24 August, 2021 - The Greens say Labor’s decision today to wave through changes to the Electoral Act that will increase membership minimums and give existing pa...