Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Statement on the allegations against a Cabinet Minister

28 February, 2021 - Statement from Adam Bandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens: There is now a dark cloud over the Cabinet and the government. We need to mak...

Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young’s Statement on Nicolle Flint MP quitting federal politics:

27 February, 2021 - “It speaks volumes that a Government MP has decided to leave parliament because of the toxic culture and sexism in politics. Is it any surpr...

Morrison makes mockery of environment law review with latest legislation

25 February, 2021 - The Morrison Government’s latest attempt to weaken Australia’s environmental laws completely ignores their own expert’s recommendations and ...

Agencies confirm growing far-right threat

25 February, 2021 - Australian Greens Anti-Racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that all key government agencies have indicated in initial PJCIS ...

More Ministers protecting the boys club

24 February, 2021 - “The men of this government are still following the rules of the ‘boys club’, covering for each other instead of speaking out about what the...

New data shows Youth Allowance is a "poverty sentence" for young, disabled Australians

22 February, 2021 - Australian Greens Disability Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has called for an urgent intervention to lift young, disabled pe...

Save the Koala laws debated in Senate

22 February, 2021 - The Senate has today debated new laws introduced by the Australian Greens to save our koalas. Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah ...

Another internal review just continues the cover-up

19 February, 2021 - The Prime Minister has asked his former chief of staff, now head of his own department, to investigate what Prime Minister’s office knew abo...

All sides of politics, both houses of parliament call for national discussion to criminalise coercive control

18 February, 2021 - Today the House echoed the Senate to call on the government to take action on coercive control, supporting a cross-party motion coordinated ...

Crossbench comes together to call for review of Parliament House culture

17 February, 2021 - Every member of the Lower House Crossbench has come together to demand an urgent review of workplace procedures at Australian Parliament Hou...

Independent investigation and review critical to protect staff in political offices

17 February, 2021 - Response to PM’s letter  "The Greens welcome the apparent acknowledgement by the PM that the review of the complaints and support process sh...

BOOT backdown no distraction, IR laws are extreme attack on job security

17 February, 2021 - Australian Greens Leader and former industrial relations lawyer, Adam Bandt, has outlined how the radical overhaul at the heart of the IR om...

Parliament culture won't change without independent inquiry

16 February, 2021 - The Australian Greens have slammed the Prime Minister’s continued failures to address a toxic parliamentary culture today, calling for an in...

Greens welcome Federal Court decision on Tamil Family

16 February, 2021 - The Greens have welcomed the decision of the Federal Court that Biloela's Tamil family was denied procedural fairness, calling for them to b...

Labor backflip would only benefit the rich

15 February, 2021 - Australian Greens Housing spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said reports that Labor may scrap commitments to wind back negative gearin...