ALL Greens Events

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Calling & Data Party

Help us recruit volunteers to our campaign by phone, or enter data from our recent doorknocks.

Fraser campaign night

Join us for data entry, recruitment calls and texts and other bits and bobs to support us building power in the community

Ginninderra Doorknock - Bruce

Meet at Crisp Circuit Playground on Saturday 28 September at 10am for a great doorknock, come chat to your local community about the issues that matter!

Yarra Doorknock

Come along for an afternoon of doorknocking!

Ginninderra Doorknock - Lawson

Meet at SV Coffee & Bakery, Lawson, on Sunday 29 September at 10am for a great doorknock, come chat to your local community about the issues that matter!

Calling & Data Party

Help us recruit volunteers to our campaign by phone, or enter data from our recent doorknocks.

Fraser campaign night

Join us for data entry, recruitment calls and texts and other bits and bobs to support us building power in the community

Murrumbidgee Politics in the Pub

Join us for a get together to recharge our batteries and meet up with ACT Greens volunteers in Murrumbidgee!

Ginninderra Greens Politics at the Pub - Transport

Join Adele Sinclair, Jo Clay and the Ginninderra Greens for pizza and politics at the Pot Belly pub. 6pm on the first Thursday each month.