Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Greens move for 2030 coal phase-out

12 October, 2021 - With Energy Security Board chairman Kerry Schott’s predicting that the grid could be without coal-fired power as in the early 2030’s, the Gre...

Nationals' quarter trillion climate bomb a dangerous joke

7 October, 2021 - The Greens have slammed the Nationals’ proposed $250 billion publicly funded coal and gas bank as robbing public money to chase stranded asset...

Snowy a better way to build green hydrogen than handouts to billionaires

6 October, 2021 - The Greens say they do not trust the government to deliver green hydrogen instead of toxic methane, and that there are better ways to turn Aus...

Scott Morrison must listen to the UK, and boost 2030 targets in Glasgow

5 October, 2021 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP has called on the Prime Minister to take heed of the UK Cabinet’s demands of Australia, calling him a ‘coward’ for...

Lib & Labor voted against Greens push to close ‘Pandora Papers’ loophole

4 October, 2021 - The ‘Pandora papers’ disclosed today reveal that Australia is a weak link in the fight against international tax avoidance, with accounting fi...

States’ heavy lifting on 2030 exposes federal climate stasis and weak targets

30 September, 2021 - The Greens have modelled the combined Australian State and Territory climate targets to show that the collective commitments made would amo...

NSW target makes Morrison a 2030 coward

29 September, 2021 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says the Liberal government in NSW has exposed the complete failure on a federal level to engage with the real t...

Barnaby and Morrison working hand in glove to block climate action in the critical decade

28 September, 2021 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison are trying to push the Australian climate debate out to 2050 ahead of the ...

Scomo's Glasgow no-show an act of climate cowardice

27 September, 2021 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt has said that Scott Morrison’s reported intention to avoid appearing at the COP26 Glasgow Climat...

Coal is history - Liberal and Labor out of step with global efforts and Australian public Inbox

22 September, 2021 - Overnight, China announced at the UN that they would cease building new coal plants, signalling a further, faster global transition out of ...

Porter focus now on PM, Greens renew push for ICAC

20 September, 2021 - Christian Porter’s resignation from the Ministry in the face of a Greens’ no confidence motion doesn’t end the mystery donation affair, wit...

Australia can afford to quit coal, says RBA

17 September, 2021 - The Greens have reiterated their call for Australia to act in line with the climate science and UN call to quit coal, with an RBA report es...