Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

UK trade deal shows Australia dragging the world down on climate targets

9 September, 2021 - Greens around the world have lambasted revelations that Australia has vetoed Paris Agreement climate goals being included in a trade agreeme...

Amid record corporate super-profits, Greens announce new Tycoon Tax to raise $338 billion for public good

6 September, 2021 - The Greens have today announced they will push for a new 40% corporate super-profits tax on the excess profits made by big corporations, inc...

UN calls time on coal, while Murdoch shift from denial to delay

6 September, 2021 - With the UN calling for Australia to quit coal by 2030, but Rupert Murdoch officially moving only to ‘net zero by 2050’, the looming divide ...

Greens to refer offshore wind farm bill to inquiry for scrutiny

2 September, 2021 - The Greens have welcomed the introduction of the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill 2021 and Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Regu...

Greens announce candidate in most winnable Liberal seat

20 August, 2021 - The Greens are thrilled to announce educator, NGO consultant and local mum Sonya Semmens as the candidate for the federal seat of Higgins in t...

Greens slam Morrison’s fudging of vaccination numbers

20 August, 2021 - Greens leader Adam Bandt said Scott Morrison’s announcement today that children would not be included in vaccination targets was a political d...

Greens urge Labor to announce 2030 targets to pressure Morrison before Glasgow

20 August, 2021 - Labor’s belated recognition that Scott Morrison’s 2030 climate targets aren’t good enough is a move in the right direction, said Greens Leader...

Kids must be part of national vaccine target

13 August, 2021 - Kids and teenagers must be included in the government's national vaccine targets, Greens leader, Adam Bandt, said today. Young people deserve ...

Tomago and world call time on coal as Morrison keeps selling it to China

11 August, 2021 - Australia’s biggest electricity consumer, stationed right next to a major coal field, is getting out of coal. The announcement comes as nation...

Speech: Support the Arts

10 August, 2021 - In lockdown, which many of us are in at the moment and some of us have been through for a long time, it's the arts that have got many people t...

Morrison 2030 climate targets a death sentence

9 August, 2021 - The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report makes it clear the government’s current 2030 climate targets amount to a death sent...

Greens slam Government’s feeble response to devastating 1.5 degrees report

6 August, 2021 - The Greens have slammed the Government’s response to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Report, which reveals temperatur...