Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

JobKeeper retention, not tax cuts, as Greens to move in Senate to block JobKeeper reduction

27 September, 2020 - With JobKeeper payments set to drop from Monday 28 September, the Australian Greens have today released Parliamentary Budget Offi...

Energy roadmap steers us off a cliff

22 September, 2020 - Following reports of the government’s energy roadmap, Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has slammed the plan, declaring it as a...

Without green hydrogen and stronger 2030 targets, gov Energy Roadmap puts climate at risk

21 September, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, has warned that without meaningful short-term targets, a plan to phase out coal & gas and a...

ARENA/CEFC success continues to infuriate the fossils - Greens plan to block Liberals latest plan of attack

17 September, 2020 - The Australian Greens have vowed to block any moves to turn the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and Clean Energy Finance Corporation int...

Gas industry wishlist a fracking nightmare: Bandt

14 September, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has today slammed a proposed wishlist from Australia's peak gas body that would see the metha...

Cost of fast-tracking tax cuts could fund $225b of recovery investment instead, new PBO costings reveal

10 September, 2020 - As calls grow for a $220b infrastructure spend to tackle the recession, new costings completed by the Parliamentary Budget Office, at the r...

Greens welcome Labor backflip on reprehensible JobKeeper claims, hope Liberals next

3 September, 2020 - The Greens have welcomed Labor’s backflip on its utterly reprehensible claim that JobKeeper payments to low-hours workers were ‘waste’ that ...

Tale of two economies – big business profits while main street hit with austerity

2 September, 2020 - The Australian economy is experiencing the best of times and worst of times, as both company profits and share prices soar, while on the oth...

Greens will campaign to defeat gaslighting of Australia’s Green Bank

1 September, 2020 - Australian Greens Leader Adam Bandt says his party will fight to defeat the government's attempt to amend the Clean Energy Finance Corporati...

Green recovery needed to lock in emissions reductions

31 August, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has said figures showing an 18% drop in emissions as a result of the coronavirus are doomed to b...

Expanded values test is unnecessary

28 August, 2020 - The Government’s attempts to force citizens through an expanded values test is unnecessary, the Greens say, while welcoming the commitment to ...

Orwellian Gov bill defines gas as clean energy, war as peace and freedom as slavery

27 August, 2020 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, has today slammed as Orwellian a new Bill from the Morrison government that redefines ‘low emissi...