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Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria

Lack of organ donors only perpetuating organ harvesting

28 November, 2016 - Motion text: Senator RICE:  I, and also on behalf of Senator Abetz, move:   That the Senate—   (a) notes:       (i) deeply concerning report...

Response to PM's infrastructure statement

28 November, 2016 - This ministerial statement on infrastructure is full of fine sounding, silver tongued words from the Prime Minister. It is yet another examp...

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2016

28 November, 2016 - Like so many Australians, I have been appalled by the rise of Donald Trump and the fear and hatred that has accompanied him. The positions t...

Greens to Turnbull: we’ll believe infrastructure talk when we see action

24 November, 2016 - The Turnbull government’s response to Infrastructure Australia’s Australian Infrastructure Plan is shaping up to be just another example of ...

Senate calls for Australia to act against organ harvesting

24 November, 2016 - The Senate has passed a motion recognising the human rights challenges of forced organ procurement in parts of the world and inviting the go...

Young unemployed need better transport options

21 November, 2016 - A new report highlighting the transport challenges faced by young unemployed Australians is a wakeup call for the Turnbull government to urg...