Latest News, Articles & Media

Janet Rice
Senator for Victoria

Barnaby must scrap APVMA move

5 December, 2016 - The Greens have called on the federal government to scrap the proposal to move the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, ...

Foreign ownership of water on agricultural land

2 December, 2016 -  I rise today to speak to the Register of Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land Amendment (Water) Bill 2016. The bill before us today would ...

Greens backpacker tax deal is a win for farmers and the environment

2 December, 2016 - This political grandstanding from Labor tonight is sour grapes because we have been able to deliver an outcome that they are jealous of and t...

MOTION: Regional Forest Agreements

2 December, 2016 - Senator RICE: I move: (a) notes that:    (i) Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) have been in place as 20-year agreements, designed to manage t...

MOTION: World AIDS Day 2016

2 December, 2016 - Senator SMITH (Liberal Party): I, and also on behalf of Senators Pratt and Rice, move: That the Senate— (a) notes that:    (i) 1 December 201...

Greens announce end to backpacker tax deadlock and $100mil for Landcare

1 December, 2016 - Senator Di Natale, Australian Greens Leader said today, “This is a victory for farmers who have been watching their fruit wither and die on t...

Senate unites to support World AIDS Day

1 December, 2016 - In recognition that today is World AIDS Day, the Senate has passed a motion reaffirming Australia’s commitment to ending HIV transmission by ...

We can have a true sustainable wood products industry for the future

1 December, 2016 - As we head into summer, many people are sitting at work or at home, picturing what exciting things they might get up to in their holidays. If...

ABCC won't improve productivity, just attack working Australians

29 November, 2016 - I rise to speak on the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013. I comment first on the name of the bill—'impro...

MOTION: fire ants OPD

29 November, 2016 - I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that the Senate – 1. Notes: a. The adverse effect of Red Imported Fire Ant popula...

Senate to look into marriage equality bill

29 November, 2016 - The Greens will join Labor and the crossbench to create a Senate inquiry on marriage equality and the Coalition government’s draft bill to a...

All we're getting from this government is a roads roads roads ideology

28 November, 2016 - I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that:    (i) the funding reallocated by the Turnbull Government last week from the now­ defunct East West...