Latest News, Articles & Media

Jordon Steele-John
Senator for Western Australia

Greens to test Labor MPs on Israel sanctions with Senate motion

4 July, 2024 - Today the Australian Greens have entered into the Senate a motion that calls on the Australian Government to sanction members of the extremist Ne...

Greens Prevent Cuts To NDIS Plans and Participants in the Senate

28 June, 2024 - Today the Australian Greens have helped prevent millions of dollars in cuts to the NDIS and ensured that the government amendments to the NDIS B...

Greens secure amendments to vaping legislation and will support passage through Senate

24 June, 2024 - The Greens have negotiated amendments to the Therapeutic Goods and Other Legislation Amendment (Vaping Reforms) Bill 2024 and will support the l...

Statement on Visit of Chinese Premier to Australia

15 June, 2024 - The Australian Greens are urging the Prime Minister and Australian Government to raise human rights abuses with the Premier of the People’s Repu...

Australian Greens call on Labor to finally condemn State of Israel and Hamas’ war crimes in parliament

13 June, 2024 - The Australian Greens have lashed Labor for their refusal to condemn the war crimes committed by the State of Israel and Hamas, after the govern...

Labor Stalling on Disability Royal Commission Response

12 June, 2024 - It’s time the Government implemented the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with ...

Voting for Palestinian statehood a key test for Labor’s humanity

28 May, 2024 - Following the devastating attack on a Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah, and with Norway, Ireland and Spain set to formally recognise Palestine t...

Greens WA Statement on Curtin University Encampment

24 May, 2024 - Following powerful student-led collective action, we welcome reports Curtin University has committed to disclosing investments, research, learnin...

Reflections 76 Years on From Nakba

23 May, 2024 - 76th anniversary of nakba  By Senator Jordon Steele-John, spokesperson for Foreign Affairs    Nakba is the Arabic word fo...

Disability Community Rejects Labor's NDIS Bill

22 May, 2024 - We’re set for round two of disabled people vs. Labor’s changes to the NDIS.  Today, Wednesday 22nd May 2024, the Australian Senate will h...

Greens call for Australia to support a peaceful and just resolution in New Caledonia. 

22 May, 2024 - Line attributable to Senator Jordon Steele-John, Australian Greens Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Peace:  “The ongoing violence, an...

Greens Support ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and Others

21 May, 2024 - The Greens are calling on the Australian government to publicly support the ICC Chief Prosecutor’s decision to press for the arrests of Israel’s ...