Latest News, Articles & Media

Mehreen Faruqi
Deputy Leader & Senator for NSW

International students must not face discrimination

29 October, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that arrangements for the return of international students to Austra...

Tudge’s toxic history war

22 October, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to the Education Minister’s latest attempt to whitewash Austral...

Speech: Youth Voice in Parliament Week

21 October, 2021 - I am enthusiastically supporting the inaugural Youth Voice in Parliament Week, and I have the privilege of reading one of the more than 600 s...

Speech: For migrants, our Australianness is conditional

20 October, 2021 - I rise to speak to the Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill 2019. I associate myself with the remarks of my colleague ...

Speech: It's time for climate justice

20 October, 2021 - The world is cooking, and the Morrison government is sitting on its hands: no targets, no plan and no action. While nature may not have inten...

Uni wage theft exposed by Senate report

20 October, 2021 - Australian Greens Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the publication of the Senate Select Committee on Job Security’s...

Speech: Corruption in Parliament

19 October, 2021 - It's true: a day can be a long time in politics. Friday 1 October was a long day for the then Premier Gladys Berejiklian, who resigned from h...

Speech: Insecurity in publicly funded jobs

19 October, 2021 - I rise to speak on the Select Committee on Job Security's second interim report, on insecurity in publicly funded jobs. The Greens welcome th...

Speech: I won't stop shaking things up in Parliament

18 October, 2021 - What a huge privilege it is to represent my wonderful state of New South Wales in the Senate. Thank you so much to my colleagues for nominati...

Greens announce plan to build one million homes

17 October, 2021 - The Greens have today announced that in balance of power after the next election, they will push a plan to build one million new publicly-own...

Greens target balance of power with $300K homes

17 October, 2021 - The Greens have today announced a plan to build 125,000 new homes and sell them to people locked out of housing for $300,000. Young people lo...

Greens target balance of power with $300K homes

17 October, 2021 - Media Release The Greens have today announced a plan to build 125,000 new homes and sell them to people locked out of housing for $300,000...