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Mehreen Faruqi
Deputy Leader & Senator for NSW

Speech: Matter of Public Importance - NSW Koala Population

18 September, 2018 - Koalas in New South Wales face extinction by 2050. This is the harsh reality that we are grappling with today. This is no accident. It is d...

Speech: Pill testing saves lives

18 September, 2018 - In my state of New South Wales, two people tragically died and 15 others were hospitalised from suspected overdoses at the Defqon 1 festiva...

Grattan Institute Report Shows Need for Government Investment in Higher Education and Jobs

17 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has reacted to the latest Grattan Institute Report ‘Mapping Australian hi...

Speech: Matter of Public Importance - Abortion rights

17 September, 2018 - It is absolutely shameful that in my home state of New South Wales and in the state of Queensland abortion still sits in the Crimes Act. As...

Statement on Racism

13 September, 2018 - I am so sick of this rubbish. I am so sick of people who will never experience racism telling us that it doesn't exist. Senator Bernardi wi...

Speech on Airports Amendment Bill

12 September, 2018 - I rise to briefly speak on the Airports Amendment Bill 2018. I support the remarks made by my colleague Senator Rice on this bill. This bil...

Speech: Climate Change

11 September, 2018 - 'Get your hands off it, Prime Minister.' That was the banner that Greenpeace tied to the flagpoles in front of this very building this week...

Speech: Matters of Public Importance - Gender and Sexual Orientation

11 September, 2018 - The Greens have brought this motion on the attacks against young LGBTIQ Australians supported by Prime Minister Scott Morrison as a matter ...

Workers and Staff Feeling the Squeeze of University Budget Cuts

11 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has called on the Federal Government to reverse its funding freeze for un...

Greens-led Live Exports Ban Bill Passes Federal Senate - Morrison Must Support an end to the “Trade in Misery”

10 September, 2018 - A Greens bill that would ban live sheep exports has passed the Australian Senate. It would immediately ban the export of live sheep and lam...

Speech on Ending Live Sheep Exports Bill

10 September, 2018 - I'm so honoured to have the opportunity to speak in support of this bill to end long-haul live sheep exports. Australians are asking us to ...

Greens back Early Childhood Educators Walk Off for Fair Pay

4 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has backed fair pay for early childhood educators and the ‘Big Steps’ camp...