Latest News, Articles & Media

Peter Whish-Wilson
Senator for lutruwita/Tasmania

Morrison Government condemned for Tasmania's dodgy foreign investment approvals

27 August, 2021 - A Senate Inquiry that investigated Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approvals has used key Tasmanian case studies to blast the Federal G...

Ley must act to protect Tasmanian devils

25 August, 2021 - The Greens have called on Environment Minister Sussan Ley to protect Tasmanian devils from becoming mining-industry roadkill by rejecting Vent...

Government’s Great Barrier Reef lobbying exposes climate denialism

12 July, 2021 - The Greens have slammed the Morrison Government for the desperate measures it has taken to avoid UNESCO listing the Great Barrier Reef as "In Da...

Recycling industry ignored in lead-up to waste export ban

30 June, 2021 - The Government’s failure to mandate Australia’s recycling targets is to blame for any recyclable items sent to landfill because of tomorrow’s in...

Plan to open up more fossil fuels is the Pitts

15 June, 2021 - While Scott Morrison attends G7 and the world plans to transition away from fossil fuels the Australian Government has made a mockery of itself ...

Seismic Inquiry report released

11 June, 2021 - The Senate Inquiry into seismic testing has tabled its final report today.  For the first time ever, the Federal Parliament heard evidence that ...

Death of Great Barrier Reef is a political choice

1 April, 2021 - Yet another devastating climate change report details that the Great Barrier Reef is all but doomed without radical climate action. It begs the ...

Urgent action needed to save the Tasmanian devil

31 March, 2021 - Over 30 Tasmanian devils have been killed on Woolnorth Road in the state’s North West in the past two months, prompting the Greens to call for ...

Coalition set to hurt farmers with inability to plan for climate change

15 February, 2021 - Today’s comments from Agriculture Minister, David Littleproud, that he is open to adopting net zero emissions by 2050 but wants to see concr...

Urgent review of lethal shark net measures needed

28 January, 2021 - An alarming new report showing a drastic decline in shark and ray populations is yet another reason shark nets and lethal drum lines must be ...

Recycling industry at a loss as Government celebrates its own win

8 December, 2020 -   The Government's Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill 2020 has today been passed un-amended by the Senate, despite staunch support for substa...

Federal bill must take include plastics, take the lead from the ACT

30 November, 2020 - The Government's recycling and waste bill is set for the Senate today where the Greens will raise amendments to ban single-use plastics and ...