Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Major ‘Moogy’ Sumner AM announced as the Australian Greens candidate for Mayo

18 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens are thrilled to announce Major ‘Moogy’ Sumner AM, Ngarrindjeri elder, will contest the seat of Mayo in the upcoming by-elec...

Turnbull Government has no right to risk the Bight

16 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens strongly condemn the Turnbull Government for further opening up the Great Australian Bight for oil and gas drilling. “Despi...

Turnbull Government has no right to risk the Bight

16 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens strongly condemn the Turnbull Government for further opening up the Great Australian Bight for oil and gas drilling. “Despi...

ABC's budget slashed in Turnbull's latest broken promise

10 May, 2018 - Malcolm Turnbull’s 2018 Budget is the latest episode in this Government’s relentless assault on the ABC. "The ABC’s funding has been cut by a qua...

ABC's budget slashed in Turnbull's latest broken promise

10 May, 2018 - Malcolm Turnbull’s 2018 Budget is the latest episode in this Government’s relentless assault on the ABC. "The ABC’s funding has been cut by a qua...

The Greens are the last line of defence for a healthy river system

10 May, 2018 - Following yesterday’s disallowance vote in the Senate, where Labor and Liberal teamed up to cut 605 billion litres of water from the environment,...

The Greens are the last line of defence for a healthy river system

10 May, 2018 - Following yesterday’s disallowance vote in the Senate, where Labor and Liberal teamed up to cut 605 billion litres of water from the environment,...

Labor teams up with Turnbull to sell out environment, river and South Australia

8 May, 2018 - This is worse than a shocking deal from the Labor Party and the Turnbull Government. It’s a heartbreaking one. They have teamed up together to put...

Labor teams up with Turnbull to sell out environment, river and South Australia

8 May, 2018 - This is worse than a shocking deal from the Labor Party and the Turnbull Government. It’s a heartbreaking one. They have teamed up together to put...

Changes to MDBP must be blocked: Greens

30 April, 2018 - Proposed changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan that take 605 billion litres away from the environment must be blocked in the Senate next wee...

Changes to MDBP must be blocked: Greens

30 April, 2018 - Proposed changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan that take 605 billion litres away from the environment must be blocked in the Senate next wee...

Coorong is dying while Government tries to sell ripping water from environment

27 April, 2018 - The Government must drop its plans to rip 605 billion litres out of environmental water from the southern Murray Darling Basin and focus on res...