Latest News, Articles & Media

Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

Coorong is dying while Government tries to sell ripping water from environment

27 April, 2018 - The Government must drop its plans to rip 605 billion litres out of environmental water from the southern Murray Darling Basin and focus on res...

Greens committed to stopping changes to Basin Plan

26 April, 2018 - The Australian Greens have today reaffirmed their commitment to disallowing changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan. “The Senate is being aske...

Greens committed to stopping changes to Basin Plan

26 April, 2018 - The Australian Greens have today reaffirmed their commitment to disallowing changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan. “The Senate is being aske...

Students must not foot the bill for rorting private VET sector

23 April, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on the Government to waive the debts unknowingly incurred by young Australians hoodwinked by private VET prov...

Students must not foot the bill for rorting private VET sector

23 April, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on the Government to waive the debts unknowingly incurred by young Australians hoodwinked by private VET prov...

South Australians to protest cruel live animal export today

20 April, 2018 - The live animal export trade is a barbaric practice that must end despite Liberal National Government infighting over the issue, Australian Gre...

South Australians to protest cruel live animal export today

20 April, 2018 - The live animal export trade is a barbaric practice that must end despite Liberal National Government infighting over the issue, Australian Gre...

Trump's TPP backflip makes a bad deal worse

13 April, 2018 - Reports that US President Donald Trump is looking to join the revived TPP are bad news for Australia’s economy and democracy, Australian Greens...

NZ offshore oil ban a win for climate, a test for Malcolm

12 April, 2018 - New Zealand’s ban on new offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling permits offers a path Australia must follow, South Australian Greens Sen...

BP thinks a Bight oil spill "a welcome boost to local economy"

11 April, 2018 - MEDIA RELEASE6 April 2018 The next time the Liberal Party says oil in the Bight is “good for the economy”, point them to this, South Australia ...

Education inquality shows needs-based funding isn’t enough

4 April, 2018 - “Needs-based funding isn’t enough. What’s required to overcome educational disadvantage is needs-based schooling,” Australian Greens education s...

Greens to artists: your rights are our priority

28 March, 2018 - “While the Greens support digital innovation and regulation, we’re never going to support throwing creative artists under the bus,” Greens arts...