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Sarah Hanson-Young
Senator for South Australia

SA Water minister must stand up for our state and the River

7 June, 2018 - Australian Greens Murray Darling Basin spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has written to South Australian Water Minister David Speirs urging...

Turnbull must stand up to Trump on tariffs, not bend the knee

1 June, 2018 - News that US President Donald Trump has imposed new metal tariffs on Europe, Canada and Mexico is further proof Australia’s ‘special relationship...

Turnbull must stand up to Trump on tariffs, not bend the knee

1 June, 2018 - News that US President Donald Trump has imposed new metal tariffs on Europe, Canada and Mexico is further proof Australia’s ‘special relationship...

School chaplains program is not fit to support our kids: Greens

31 May, 2018 - Questionable religious organisations using their fringe ideals to treat depression, anorexia, combat bullying and push gay conversion therapy met...

School chaplains program is not fit to support our kids: Greens

31 May, 2018 - Questionable religious organisations using their fringe ideals to treat depression, anorexia, combat bullying and push gay conversion therapy met...

SA Government must stand up for the bottom end of the river

27 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens are urging the SA Government to stand up for the Murray and challenge New South Wales’ latest water grab on behalf of big c...

SA Government must stand up for the bottom end of the river

27 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens are urging the SA Government to stand up for the Murray and challenge New South Wales’ latest water grab on behalf of big c...

EU stands against ISDS clauses, Australia should too

24 May, 2018 - News today that the European Union and Australia are set to commence free trade agreement negotiations are notable for what is non-negotiable – s...

EU stands against ISDS clauses, Australia should too

24 May, 2018 - News today that the European Union and Australia are set to commence free trade agreement negotiations are notable for what is non-negotiable – s...

Tone deaf Liberals plunder from ABC to build yet another Captain Cook monument

23 May, 2018 - The Liberal Government has refused to rule out further cuts to the ABC and does not know the name of the Indigenous nation it is planning to plac...

Tone deaf Liberals plunder from ABC to build yet another Captain Cook monument

23 May, 2018 - The Liberal Government has refused to rule out further cuts to the ABC and does not know the name of the Indigenous nation it is planning to plac...

Major ‘Moogy’ Sumner AM announced as the Australian Greens candidate for Mayo

18 May, 2018 - The Australian Greens are thrilled to announce Major ‘Moogy’ Sumner AM, Ngarrindjeri elder, will contest the seat of Mayo in the upcoming by-elec...