Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Public ownership of Qantas International should be on the table: Bandt

26 June, 2020 - It is time to talk about bringing Qantas International into public ownership as part of any further assistance package, Leader of the Australian...

Australia must urgently condemn Israel’s annexation plans: Bandt

26 June, 2020 - The Greens call on the Australian Government to add its voice to global calls and forcefully speak out against the Israeli Government’s plans to...

Morrison’s arts and entertainment package, too little, very late

25 June, 2020 - The Morrison Government’s long-awaited package for the arts and entertainment industry, announced today, is too little, very late, the Greens sa...

Defence 'the worst way' to spend $200 billion

25 June, 2020 - Thursday 20th June 2020 Australian Greens Peace & Disarmament spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said today that buying new military techno...

Heads should roll after scathing report into environment laws

25 June, 2020 - Heads should roll over the ineptitude and failure of duty identified by the Auditor-General in a scathing report into Australia’s environment la...

Climate wars won't end by surrendering

24 June, 2020 - The Australian Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has said Labor’s latest offer to embrace carbon capture and storage won’t help tackle the climate emer...

PM urged to reverse ABC funding cuts to save jobs

24 June, 2020 - Responsibility for the 250 job cuts at the ABC announced today, lie firmly at the feet of the Morrison Government, the Greens say.Greens Spokesp...

National sick leave vital as COVID containment remains precarious: Bandt

22 June, 2020 - As new infections increase again with many happening at workplaces, the Greens say there is new urgency to give every worker 14 days COVID sick ...

Free Uni Not Malicious Fee Hikes Says Faruqi As Humanities Graduate Tehan Attacks Humanities Students

19 June, 2020 - "Degrees should cost students zero dollars," Greens spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, said this morning in response to the "go...

Two whales fight for their lives off QLD

19 June, 2020 - Senator Whish-Wilson today comments on breaking news that a whale and calf are currently caught in shark nets near the Gold Coast and calls on t...

Labor teams up with Morrison to green light environmental destruction

18 June, 2020 - Labor’s support of the Morrison Government’s plans to fast-track approvals for major projects risks permanent destruction of our environment and...

Gov Must Act As Eviction Cliff Approaches

18 June, 2020 - Australian Greens Housing spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the federal government and National Cabinet must act urgently to ens...

Greens push to ban dirty political donations and restore democracy

17 June, 2020 - The Greens will today introduce a bill in the Senate that will prohibit political donations from certain industries, and impose a cap on all oth...

Live Export: Minister Must Intervene To Prevent Departure

16 June, 2020 - Following an unsuccessful last-minute court challenge by Animals Australia, Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi...

Senate calls for urgent confidentiality legislation for Disability Royal Commission

16 June, 2020 - Tuesday, 16 June 2020 The Senate has supported a Greens motion calling on the Government to urgently legislate protections for witnesses seeking...