Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Future Fund investing over $600 million in weapons manufacturers, including a blacklisted Israeli arms company

6 December, 2023 - Documents obtained by Greens Senator David Shoebridge have revealed how the Future Fund has invested more than $600 million in public funds i...

OECD report proves school underfunding is baking in educational inequality

6 December, 2023 - The Greens say new OECD data showing Australia’s most disadvantaged school students falling further behind their more privileged peers should...

Greens secure real public scrutiny on infrastructure decision-making

5 December, 2023 - The Greens have secured significant amendments to the Infrastructure Australia Amendment Bill adopted today in the Senate. The successful ...

Chief Minister Fyles rolls out the red carpet for Tamboran lobbyists

5 December, 2023 - Reports that the Fyles Government political strategy is being advised and led by the same consultancy that is directly responsible for lobbyi...

People power win: Toowoomba North South Transport Corridor scrapped

4 December, 2023 - Greens welcome news today that the Queensland government has scrapped plans for the deeply unpopular Toowoomba North-South Transport Corridor...

Greens Launch Senate Inquiry into Supermarket Price Gouging

3 December, 2023 - The Greens will spearhead a select Senate inquiry into the price gouging of major supermarkets amid Australia's cost of living crisis. The...

School disruption report offers no answers for teachers or disadvantaged kids

1 December, 2023 - The interim report of the Liberal-dominated Senate inquiry into so-called “school disruption” fails to meaningfully address the underlying ca...

More Generals, fewer troops, Australian Defence Leadership topples over with the weight of gold braid

1 December, 2023 - Figures compiled for the Greens by the Parliamentary Library show a tremendously top-heavy Australian Defence Force with the number of flag o...

Plibersek must act now to save skate

30 November, 2023 - Today's announcement by Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek that the future of fish farming in Macquarie Harbour needs to be r...

Emissions up as Labor approves new coal and gas

30 November, 2023 - With official emissions data revealing today that emissions under Labor have risen 3.6 million tonnes this year, the Greens have said that L...

Labor’s new ‘Hard to Get’ housing policy tinkers at the edges while housing crisis gets worse

30 November, 2023 - Greens leader Adam Bandt has today responded to Labor’s shared equity scheme, calling it deeply inadequate and raising concerns that it coul...

Labor votes for more gas as broken Gas Code narrowly passes Senate

27 November, 2023 - In the Senate this afternoon Labor voted to open new gas fields, with its gas code narrowly avoiding a Senate defeat by 16 votes to 21. L...

Curriculum sideshow a distraction from public school funding crisis

27 November, 2023 - The Greens say curriculum debates are a sideshow which distracts policymakers from the school funding crisis, and that the key to ending sch...

Lack of detail in JSCEM report leaves door open for two party stitch up

27 November, 2023 - Lines attributable to Greens leader in the Senate and spokesperson on democracy Senator Larissa Waters “All year Labor has used the JSCEM...