Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Call for shark cull no solution

8 November, 2018 - Calls for mass shark culls by conservative politicians would be an ineffective and irresponsible response to recent attacks in Queensland, ac...

ABC is the answer to soft-diplomacy in Asia-Pacific

8 November, 2018 - The Greens will move for responsibility and funding to be restored to the ABC to share content with the Asia-Pacific region in the Senate nex...

Our nation needs strong public interest journalism

8 November, 2018 - Today’s ACCC decision green-lighting the merger of Nine and Fairfax is another wake-up call to why we need strong, independent public broadca...

Greens Announce Plan for Federal Funding of Rail Tunnel in Illawarra

8 November, 2018 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has announced that the Australian Greens will set aside $1.5 billion to start construct...

Government could be sued for ignoring water laws for Adani

7 November, 2018 - Greens mining spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters says the Government should be sued for ignoring water laws for Adani’s 12.5 billion litre w...

Australian Greens Senator Says 'Nup to the Cup'

6 November, 2018 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said 'Nup to the Cup' and will join millions of Australians who wo...

Greens call for rebel MPs not to be punished for voting for Live Export Ban

6 November, 2018 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, and Australian Greens Leader, Senator Di Natale, have written to the P...

Statement from Senator Hanson-Young regarding NSW police officer guilty plea

6 November, 2018 - "In July, in the midst of the public debate regarding comments made by Senator Leyonhjelm about me, a NSW police officer called my office and...

Thalidomide hearing an historic and long overdue moment for justice: Steele-john

2 November, 2018 - Friday, 2 November 2018 The Australian Greens Disability Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said today's hearing for survivors of...

Minister Canavan is recklessly misleading the public on petrol prices: Greens

2 November, 2018 - Resources Minister Matt Canavan is misleading the Australian people by linking petrol prices to drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bigh...

Kids need to be brought off Nauru now

1 November, 2018 - Reports that the Australian Government plans to bring the children it is detaining on Nauru to Australia by Christmas removes any excuse to k...

Adani produces more spin than coal

1 November, 2018 - In an effort to drum up investment in its ailing Carmichael mine, Adani has again announced the project is about to get off the ground adding...

Labor’s environment plan missing key parts

1 November, 2018 - Members of the Labor Party agitating for improving their stance on the environment must fight for investment, and change on the party’s stanc...

Research 'National Interest' Test a Smokescreen for Political Interference

31 October, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has rebuked Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan's proposed national intere...

While the extinction crisis deepens our Environment Minister is in hiding

31 October, 2018 - Australia’s Environment Minister has let the public down yet again with her silence on the WWF’s damning report into human-driven mass extinc...