Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens motion for national anti-corruption commission passes both houses of parliament

26 November, 2018 - After ten years of pushing, the Greens are thrilled their motion calling on the Morrison Government to establish a national anti-corruption ...

Education Minister Must Not Ditch University Sexual Assault Taskforce

23 November, 2018 - The Australian Greens have called on the Education Minister to not ditch a proposed university sexual assault taskforce . Fairfax Media has ...

Fully Funded Public Schools: Australian Greens Launch Package for Public Education

22 November, 2018 - The Australian Greens have announced plans for a huge investment in public schools, committing an additional $4.6 billion for public schools...

Dutton and Morrison’s latest attack on the rule of law

22 November, 2018 - Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton’s plans to leave people stateless is yet another attack on the rule of law and people’s fundamental rights, ...

Labor's timid energy plan continues to protect coal from carbon price: Bandt

22 November, 2018 - Labor's timid energy plan continues to protect coal from carbon price: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP sai...

Liberals turn their back on the world's displaced people

21 November, 2018 - The Liberals’ decision to refuse to sign the United Nations Global Compact for Migration is an admission that their refugee policies are in ...

Greens announce plan to boost Australia’s creative industries

21 November, 2018 - The Australian Greens are announcing their policy to establish a Creativity Commission and bolster our local creative industries at this yea...

Four cents a week for women won’t improve financial security

20 November, 2018 - The Government’s attempt at winning back female support with its women’s economic statement today will fail for its lack of funding and lack...

Greens will hold Labor to high environmental standard

19 November, 2018 - The Labor Party has shown it cannot be trusted on protecting the environment following its draft policy backflip, the Greens say.   “Labor’s...

Quit Coal: Ending Australia’s thermal coal exports by 2030

16 November, 2018 - Quit Coal: Ending Australia’s thermal coal exports by 2030 Greens Deputy Leader and climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has outlin...

Australia needs environmental laws with teeth to tackle pollution crisis

16 November, 2018 - MEDIA RELEASE Friday, November 16, 2018   Australia needs environmental laws with teeth to tackle pollution crisis   The Australian Conserva...

Greens move to remove Minister’s Veto of Research Funding

15 November, 2018 - The Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has introduced a bill to completely remove the Education Minister’s ab...

Drilling ban vital as Bight oil spill risks grow

14 November, 2018 - Leaked documents from Equinor’s own oil spill data that show oil could reach Sydney beaches are a wake-up call to all Australians, the Green...

Greens announce plan to fix NBN, protect digital rights and ensure our digitally-connected world is accessible 

14 November, 2018 - The Australian Greens have announced a comprehensive plan to ensure Australian game developers, innovators, tech entrepreneurs, creatives, a...

Gender pay gap won’t close for decades without leadership

13 November, 2018 - The latest scorecard from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency shows an alarming continuation of the gender pay gap that won’t be closed for...