Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Alert: Protest Australia's Richest Greyhound Race

19 October, 2018 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, will speak at a protest tomorrow afternoon outside the Wentworth Park,...

Leigh Creek Energy project must be stopped

18 October, 2018 - A team of senators from the Morrison Government, the Labor party, and Nick Xenophon’s Centre Alliance has rejected a motion calling for a ban...

Nauru crisis

17 October, 2018 - The deportation of Australia's chief medical officer from Nauru shows the entire regime of offshore detention is crumbling, Greens Immigratio...

Labor and Coalition back corporate power over community rights

17 October, 2018 - The Morrison Government and the Labor Party have thrown Australia under the bus in teaming up to pass the dodgy Trans-Pacific Partnership tod...

Cross-party Bill to get kids off Nauru

16 October, 2018 - The Greens will co-sponsor a Bill to get children and their families off Nauru to receive medical treatment in Australia. “This Bill is a dir...

238,000 Signature Petition Against Live Export tabled in Australian Senate

16 October, 2018 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has today tabled more than 238,000 signatures from a petition in the A...

Senate Condemns NSW Government for Treating the Opera House as a Billboard

16 October, 2018 - The Australian Senate has today condemned the NSW Government for treating the Opera House as a Billboard. The motion, put forward by Australi...

The cruelty must end, let’s get #KidsOffNauru

16 October, 2018 - Children and their families languishing on Nauru must be brought to Australia to receive the care they need, Greens Senator for South Austral...

ABC political interference will be investigated

16 October, 2018 - The Australian Greens have welcomed the Senate’s support in establishing an inquiry into the ABC, which will investigate recent instances of ...

Senate must work together to clear the air on ABC interference

15 October, 2018 - The cloud that hangs over the independence of the ABC has come no closer to being cleared following the release of the Government’s departmen...

Greens put fresh roadblock in way of Adani

15 October, 2018 - Today a Greens motion passed the Senate demanding that the Government stop Adani’s pipeline application from being assessed until the federal...

It’s not too late to defeat the TPP, Labor

15 October, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on the Labor Party to dump its support of the dodgy TPP ahead of the debate in the Senate today.   “The do...

Humanitarian crisis on Nauru

11 October, 2018 - Medecins Sans Frontiers' revelations about the conditions of the people Australia is detaining on Nauru have laid bare the truly despearte si...

Leigh Creek UCG project must be stopped

11 October, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling on urgent Federal Government intervention into the Leigh Creek Energy underground coal gasification project...

Schools that Discriminate Don’t Deserve A Cent of Public Money

10 October, 2018 - Australian Greens Spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has said that the Ruddock Review into Religious Freedom’s recommendatio...