Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Labor Can’t Have it Both Ways on Public Education

26 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has called on Labor to join the Greens in working to ensure that the $4.6...

Greens to seek urgent inquiry into ABC Board political interference

26 September, 2018 - The Australian Greens are calling for an urgent senate hearing with the ABC board to investigate political interference with staffing and r...

Milne must go

26 September, 2018 - Justin Milne has proven he cannot be trusted as the chair of our public broadcaster and must stand down, the Greens say.   “Mr Milne’s posi...

Australian Greens Senator Offers to Hold Citizenship Ceremonies for NSW Councils Stripped of Their Power

26 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Senator for NSW, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has offered to officiate citizenship ceremonies for NSW councils that have been ...

Dump nuclear waste plans: Greens

25 September, 2018 - The Coalition Government must abandon its plans to dump nuclear waste in South Australia, not extend their consultation process, the Greens...

ABC must stand strong against attacks from Coalition Government & Murdoch

24 September, 2018 - A well-funded, independent public broadcaster is essential for a healthy democracy, the Australian Greens say. “At a time when trust in pol...

Weak Coalition Government Hands Hush Money to Independent and Catholic School Sector

20 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has slammed the Federal Government’s announcement today on Catholic and I...

Dutton hanging by a thread: Bandt

20 September, 2018 - Dutton hanging by a thread: Bandt Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Member for Melbourne today said that the one vote difference (67 in favour, 6...

Royal Commission: Major parties block disability community's opportunity for justice

20 September, 2018 - Wednesday, 19 September An Australian Greens motion calling for the terms of reference of a proposed Royal Commission to be expanded to cov...

Senate Calls on Federal Government to Enact a National Homelessness Plan

20 September, 2018 - The Australian Senate has today called on the Federal Government to take a national approach to homelessness and to develop a National Home...

Tick and flick on Adani’s 12.5b litre water pipeline shows big business running parliament

19 September, 2018 - Big business is now running parliament and the Government is not even pretending to anymore, Greens Senator for Queensland and mining and r...

New Live Export Approval Proves Government Isn’t Serious About Animal Welfare: MPs Must Vote to End Cruel Trade

18 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Animal Welfare Spokesperson and Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has called the Federal Government’s decision to appro...

Government approves introduction of anti-encryption bill without making public the consultation process

18 September, 2018 - Tuesday, 18 September The Coalition joint party room must wait until the Department of Home Affairs finishes reviewing public submissions m...

Gov admits it has no renewables policy and stands condemned: Bandt

18 September, 2018 - Gov admits it has no renewables policy and stands condemned: Bandt Greens climate change and energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, said the g...