Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Steele-John: Stop using our Port for inhumane live export trade

10 September, 2018 - Monday, 10 September An Australian Greens bill that would end live sheep exports has passed the Australian Senate, immediately banning the ...

Greens-led Live Exports Ban Bill Passes Federal Senate - Morrison Must Support an end to the “Trade in Misery”

10 September, 2018 - A Greens bill that would ban live sheep exports has passed the Australian Senate. It would immediately ban the export of live sheep and lam...

Morrison must now sack Dutton: Greens

6 September, 2018 - Morrison must now sack Dutton: Greens After further claims that Peter Dutton had a personal connection with someone he helped with an au pai...

Lowering the voting age: Overwhelming majority agree young people's voices should be heard in our democracy

6 September, 2018 -     Thursday, 6 September The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters will hold its first hearing today in Melbourne on Australian ...

Larissa Waters Returning to Federal Parliament

6 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Senator Larissa Waters is returning to federal Parliament following the confirmation of her appointment as a Senator for Q...

Greens welcome Port Lincoln Council’s opposition to drilling in the Bight

4 September, 2018 - Port Lincoln Council’s decision is a pivotal moment in the campaign to protect the Great Australian Bight, the Greens say.   “Port Lincoln h...

Greens back Early Childhood Educators Walk Off for Fair Pay

4 September, 2018 - Australian Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has backed fair pay for early childhood educators and the ‘Big Steps’ camp...

Greens will fight Leigh Creek UCG project

4 September, 2018 - Leigh Creek is facing an environmental and public health disaster following an irresponsible State Liberal Government decision to allow dang...

State Liberal Budget is anti-SA

4 September, 2018 - Greens Senator for SA Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed the State Liberal Party’s anti-South Australian budget.   “Steven Marshall and Rob Luca...

Europe sends dysfunctional Morrison Government a wake-up call on climate and trade

3 September, 2018 - The Australian Greens have urged the Morrison Government to heed the warnings of the EU over walking away from our Paris commitments.    “Th...

Australia’s Pacific climate cop out a new low: Bandt

3 September, 2018 - Australia’s Pacific climate cop out a new low: Bandt The Prime Minister’s latest round of climate denial is a new low and is rightly being q...

Words will do nothing for bank competition, only a People’s Bank will

30 August, 2018 - Greens Finance Spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, says there is no point in Scott Morrison repeating the exact phrase said ad nauseum b...

PC draft report shows Murray Darling Basin Plan is doomed

30 August, 2018 - The Greens are calling on the National Party to lose the Water Ministry following the release of the Productivity Commission’s damning draft r...

Steele-John: Australia's transport systems are discriminatory against disabled people

30 August, 2018 -   Thursday, 30 August Australian Greens Disability Rights spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said today Australia’s inaccessible public...

Barnaby Joyce should look to Cubbie Station for water

28 August, 2018 - Barnaby Joyce’s first act as drought envoy is to attempt to tear apart the basis of the Murray Darling Basin Plan, the Greens say.   “Barnaby...