Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Coca-Cola Amatil closure another blow for local factory workers

22 February, 2017 - The Australian Greens extend their condolences to the staff and their families affected by today’s announcement that the Thebarton Coca-Cola...

Come on Labor! Let's have a revenue-raising arms race to address inequality.

22 February, 2017 - The Australian Greens’ Treasury spokesperson, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, today challenged Labor to a contest between now and the next elect...

Coca-Cola Amatil closure another blow for local factory workers

22 February, 2017 - The Australian Greens extend their condolences to the staff and their families affected by today’s announcement that the Thebarton Coca-Cola...

Youth justice minister should heed no-confidence motion

22 February, 2017 - Greens MP Nina Springle says the youth justice minister should heed the no-confidence motion passed by parliament's upper house and start pu...

Lights out for South Australians to protect profits for big power companies

20 February, 2017 - SA Power Networks has admitted to staying quiet for a week and a half on a software glitch that saw an additional 60,000 South Australian ho...

Lights out for South Australians to protect profits for big power companies

20 February, 2017 - SA Power Networks has admitted to staying quiet for a week and a half on a software glitch that saw an additional 60,000 South Australian ho...

Barwon Prison secrecy out of control

17 February, 2017 - Greens youth justice spokesperson Nina Springle says the Victorian Government need to stop blocking parliamentarians from visiting the Grevi...

The Australian, freedom of speech and 18C

16 February, 2017 - It's like Groundhog Day in this place, but instead of an adorable critter like a groundhog, the anti-18C campaign is actually more accuratel...

Government must face facts: South Australian schools will lose $335 million

15 February, 2017 - The Senate has called on Federal Education Minister to explain which South Australian schools are set to suffer as a result of the 2018 Gons...

Government must face facts: South Australian schools will lose $335 million

15 February, 2017 - The Senate has called on Federal Education Minister to explain which South Australian schools are set to suffer as a result of the 2018 Gons...

Liberals and ALP silent on Manus Island forced deportations

14 February, 2017 - The Labor and Liberal Parties have voted down a Greens motion which opposed the forced deportations of people seeking asylum on Manus Island...

Energy deceit Turnbull’s ‘children overboard' moment: Bandt

13 February, 2017 - Greens Climate Change & Energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s blaming last year’s South Australian ...

Forced deportations begin on Manus Island

9 February, 2017 - The Australian government must urgently intervene to halt the forced deportation of Australia's detainees on Manus Island. "Under the cover o...

SA energy privatisation failure – AEMO to face Senate inquiry tomorrow

9 February, 2017 - Modernising the energy grid and investing in storage technology is the only way to future-proof South Australia’s supply of electricity follo...

Media Release: Greens to stand against Dutton's power grab

9 February, 2017 - The Greens will stand against the government's discriminatory anti-immigration agenda, and specifically against Minister Dutton's power grab ...