Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Labor putting Pauline Hanson first: Greens to test Labor on trade and jobs

15 November, 2016 - The Greens have called on Labor to ditch their embrace of Hanson rhetoric and instead of dog-whistling outside of Parliament, back the Green...

Greens question Government's plan to put children in adult prisons

15 November, 2016 - Greens MP Nina Springle says the Minister for Children and Families needs to explain how long children removed from youth justice centres wi...

Turnbull’s witch-hunt against civil society threatens our democracy

15 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens today warned that the Turnbull government’s proposed legislative witch-hunt against environment groups which has now r...

Immigration Department reveals gaping holes in US "Deal"

15 November, 2016 - The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has confirmed that the US is not obliged to accept a particular number of refugees, or i...

Time for Turnbull to come clean on US deal

14 November, 2016 - The federal government's must end its secrecy over its "deal" with the United States to resettle refugees from Manus Island and Nauru. "The ...

Government admits offshore detention a dead-end

13 November, 2016 - The federal government's announcement of a deal with the United States is an admission that offshore detention has to end, but still leaves ...

Mr Turnbull, Bring Them Here

11 November, 2016 - The federal government should be resettling people detained in camps on Manus Island and Nauru in Australia. "Of course our hearts would lif...

Trump Presidency must end Australia’s TPP push

10 November, 2016 - The Australian Government should immediately end all moves towards ratifying the Trans Pacific-Partnership Agreement (TPP) in light of Donal...