Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens pressure helps deliver much needed inquiry into tax and royalty evasion in fossil fuel Industry

30 November, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson welcomes the announcement of a government review into potential rorting of the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax and ...

Dutton's push for White Australia Policy Mark II

30 November, 2016 - Immigration Minister Peter Dutton's proposed visa changes are deeply xenophobic and a continuation of his attack on multiculturalism in Aust...

A plan to save the Reef that ignores global warming is meaningless

30 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens say any plan to save the Great Barrier Reef that ignores global warming is meaningless “The government’s draft respons...

Parliamentary Inquiry dissenting report rejects TPP

30 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens’ dissenting report to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties inquiry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (T...

Brandis to face Senate inquiry over WA deal

29 November, 2016 - The Senate has voted to establish an inquiry that will investigate the deal between the Western Australian government and the Commonwealth r...

Face the facts and take action to save the Reef say Greens

29 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens call on all political parties to face the scientific facts and take drastic action to save the Great Barrier Reef. “A ...

Xenophon sells SA short in water negotiations

29 November, 2016 - The Nick Xenophon Team cannot be trusted to stand up for South Australia, the Australian Greens have said, after it was revealed that Senato...

ABC independence traded for ABCC vote

29 November, 2016 - The Australian Greens have announced that they will vote against the government’s plans to allow the Communications Minister to make written...

Greens to push for Senate inquiry into Brandis' deal

28 November, 2016 - The Greens will tomorrow move to refer matters associated with the Bell Group Companies Act (WA) to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affa...

George Brandis fails to address allegations against him

28 November, 2016 - Attorney-General George Brandis has repeatedly failed to answer the central allegation against him in the Bell Act affair, and should resign...

Overhaul schools funding so it’s based on need: Greens

28 November, 2016 - Any overhaul of schools funding must result in a genuine ‘needs based’ model, the Australian Greens have said, pointing out that some wealth...

One Nation puts 70,000 Queensland jobs in jeopardy

26 November, 2016 - By falsely claiming that the Great Barrier Reef is “alive and well” after visiting an area unaffected by coral bleaching One Nation is putti...

Greens proud of legal fight against Adani mega-coal mine

25 November, 2016 - “We are disappointed with this decision but are proud of the tenacious legal fight to oppose this mega-coal mine. “When governments fail to ...

George Brandis must resign or be sacked

25 November, 2016 - If reports of George Brandis instructing the former Solicitor-General to act in a political way and ignore the rule of law are true, he shou...