Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens introduce Fairer Grants and Government Contracts Bill

4 September, 2023 - Greens Leader in the Senate, Senator Larissa Waters will introduce the Greens Fairer Grants and Government Contracts Bill to the Senate toda...

Gas Code of Conduct could be sent back to the drawing board

1 September, 2023 - The final Gas Code of Conduct was tabled in the Parliament last sitting week. While this is a complex piece of regulation that needs closer ...

Pay for super on PPL with proposed super tax

1 September, 2023 - The Greens will use their Senate balance of power to hold up proposed changes to the tax treatment of large superannuation accounts until th...

Bandt drums up opposition to Labor’s coal and gas agenda abroad and at home

31 August, 2023 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has offered support to Pacific Leaders to demand Labor stop opening coal and gas mines in return...

Greens demand urgent action to fix mental health crisis in prisons

31 August, 2023 - The Australian Greens are demanding urgent action be taken in Australia’s corrections system to address a mental health crisis and prevent fur...

Right to disconnect should be in IR reform: Greens

31 August, 2023 - In his speech at the National Press Club today the Minister for Industrial Relations Tony Burke signalled the government’s intention to crimin...

Plibersek approves Labor’s fourth coal project

31 August, 2023 - Plibersek approves Labor’s fourth coal project Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has today approved the fourth coal project this year, a...

Greens welcome Referendum on 14 October, support the campaign for Yes

30 August, 2023 - The Greens have warmly welcomed the announcement of the referendum on 14 October and recommitted their support for the campaign for Yes. So...

SA make or break it state in the referendum

30 August, 2023 - Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is urging all South Australians to support the YES campaign as it kicks off in Adelaide today. “Today’s Y...

Public school funding gap a fraction of government spending on private sector

28 August, 2023 - The Greens say that the funding shortfall to public schools could be met by reducing government spending on the overfunded private system by o...

Fossil fuels emissions rise threatens climate, Labor’s targets

25 August, 2023 - The Australian Greens say emissions data released today showing a 2.1% rise in oil and gas emissions over the year to March 2023, to...

Greens call on Labor to consider renationalising Qantas if it refuses to pay back Covid subsidies

25 August, 2023 - The Greens are calling on Qantas to pay back the $2.7 billion in public money it received during the Covid pandemic, and requesting that the f...

Incremental change to gender pay gap little comfort as cost of living bites

25 August, 2023 - On Equal Pay Day this year, women will have worked an extra 56 days, on average, to earn the same as men. The current national gender pay gap ...

Labor robbing future generations by backing coal & gas and refusing real tax reform

24 August, 2023 - The government would have nearly another trillion dollars to tackle intergenerational inequality if Labor implemented popular and progressive ...

Disadvantaged students pay price for two-tiered school system

23 August, 2023 - The Greens say today’s NAPLAN results are evidence that Australia’s two-tiered school system is supercharging disadvantage, and have called fo...