Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Senate rental inquiry can’t ignore unlimited rent increases: Greens

21 September, 2023 - The Community Affairs References Committee inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia has today delivered its interim repor...

Greens slam Alan Joyce’s $21.4M pay - 300x more than staff - while Qantas nosedived

20 September, 2023 - Lines attributable to Elizabeth Watson-Brown, MP for Ryan and Greens spokesperson for Transport, Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities: ...

Changes to income support payments are tinkering around the edges of a broken system

20 September, 2023 - Today the new rates of income support payments that were announced at the federal budget come into effect. The government’s increase wil...

Brisbane Braces for Access to Dental Services Inquiry

19 September, 2023 - Senator Jordon Steele-John will chair a hearing of the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services ...

Environment Minister Lawyers up with Coal Companies against Environment, Community: Greens

18 September, 2023 - "Minister Plibersek has one job as the Environment Minister, but rather than protecting the environment today, she is on the same side as c...

Dutton nuclear distraction from need to stop more coal and gas

18 September, 2023 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, commenting on the release of nuclear costings by the government, said today Peter Dutton’s exorbitant nuclear pi...

Disability Royal Commission Closing Ceremony; the Albanese Government must urgently commit to meaningful action.

15 September, 2023 - Ahead of the formal conclusion of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability in Sydney o...

Unanimous Senate report calls for independent taskforce to hold universities to account on sexual violence

14 September, 2023 - The Senate inquiry into sexual consent laws has today tabled a unanimous report that recommends an independent taskforce to hold universiti...

Parliamentary Workplace Support Services bills pass the Senate

14 September, 2023 - The Greens welcome the passage of the Parliamentary Workplace Support Services bills in the Senate today.  These bills are an impor...

Government has five months to act on climate or risk Great Barrier Reef in danger listing

14 September, 2023 - The Albanese Government has until February 2024 to demonstrate drastically stronger climate ambition, or else risk the Great Barrier Reef b...

Exported greyhounds sacrificed at the altar of profits and gambling revenues, yet again. Just ban it.

14 September, 2023 - After yet another expose from ABC of the brutal and cruel greyhound export trade, Deputy Leader and Animal Welfare spokesperson f...

Greens move to axe public school funding cap in direct challenge to Labor

14 September, 2023 - The Greens will today move to replace the 20% ceiling on the Commonwealth share of public school funding with a 25% floor, in a direct chal...

Plibersek says 'No' to safe climate, confirms more coal and gas approvals coming

13 September, 2023 - Despite 2023 experiencing the hottest month on record and dire predictions for an early start to bushfire season in Australia, the Minister...

Government Should Drop Flawed & Friendless Nature Market Scheme: Greens

13 September, 2023 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens Environment Spokesperson & Manager of Business in the Senate: “The Government’s ‘Green Wall Str...

Greens Call for IRGC to be listed as a Terrorist Organisation 

13 September, 2023 - 16th September 2023 marks one year since the tragic death of Iranian woman Jina ‘Mahsa’ Amini.   The Greens are pleased to see...