Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens in solidarity with Services Australia workers; call for urgent action from Labor

9 October, 2023 - The Greens are backing strike actions by Services Australia staff today, saying Labor must act to fix the social security system for both work...

Survey: Half of private school parents would move their kids into properly funded public system

9 October, 2023 - The Greens say new survey data explodes the myth that private schools are providing “choice” for parents, with half of parents of private scho...

Australian Greens Statement on the Situation in Palestine and Israel

8 October, 2023 - Statement from Senator Jordon Steele-John, Greens Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs:  "The Greens reject and condemn all forms of viole...

Greens Join Yes23 Mega doorknock in SA with Premier, Elders

8 October, 2023 -   WHAT: Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Uncle Moogy Sumner & Yes23 Mega Doorknock with Premier, Elders WHEN: 12:10pm TODAY, Sunday ...

Senate inquiry exposes Australian Antarctic Division in turmoil

5 October, 2023 - Senate inquiry hearings into Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) funding mismanagement have exposed the Division is in turmoil. A staggerin...

Labor offers Liberal solutions to Immigration crisis

5 October, 2023 - Labor’s approach to Australia’s immigration system is too similar to the Liberal Party and leading to the same disastrous human rights outcome...

Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade another wasted opportunity

4 October, 2023 - Greens Senator Larissa Waters will visit the Sunshine Coast today to meet with Caloundra residents opposing the Caloundra Transport Corridor U...

Statement from Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP on Labor’s Gas Strategy paper

3 October, 2023 - “Gas is as dirty as coal and Labor is restarting the climate wars,” Mr Bandt said.  “Labor’s strategy is not worth the paper it’s writ...

Greens ready to work with government to expedite super on PPL

3 October, 2023 - With the release of the Labor’s draft legislation today the Greens reconfirm their intentions to use their Senate balance of power to facilita...

AAD Senate inquiry hearings commence in Hobart

3 October, 2023 - Antarctic scientists will tomorrow provide evidence to a Senate inquiry hearing into the current mismanagement of funding of the Australian An...

Disability Royal Commission Recommendations Released; Senator Steele-John Responds. 

29 September, 2023 - Today is a historic day, the release of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.&nbsp...

Climate Trigger Needed amid Climate Council Report & New Coal Project Approval

27 September, 2023 - The Greens have today backed an expert report from the Climate Council calling for climate change to be a key objective in new en...

ADHD Senate inquiry to hold third public hearing ahead of final recommendations next month

26 September, 2023 - The third and final public hearing of the Greens-led Senate inquiry into Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment and Sup...

Pezzullo must resign or be sacked

25 September, 2023 - Revelations about Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo’s deeply inappropriate involvement in the political process and contempt for the pri...

Tony Abbott’s Fox Appointment Shows Murdoch Media Intent

25 September, 2023 - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is the Greens spokesperson for communications & media: “It is a shockingly bad decision and an indictment...