Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Poor conduct shows parliamentary standards body needed urgently

12 September, 2023 - Following new revelations by female MPs Karen Andrews and Kylea Tink about poor parliamentary behaviour, the Greens say progress on enforce...

Transphobia has no place in our Parliament

11 September, 2023 - Greens MPs today joined the trans community and their allies on Parliament’s lawn condemning growing transphobia, homophobia and misogyny. ...

Chilean Coup 50 years on. Greens Call for an Apology & Transparency.

11 September, 2023 - September 11th 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the military coup that brought dictator Augusto Pinochet to power in Chile.  In reco...

Wentworth Report a Red Alert for River Murray: Greens

8 September, 2023 - The Greens say today’s comprehensive 40-year study by the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists is a red alert for the health of...

Question Time farce continues as Ministers don’t answer questions

7 September, 2023 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has moved in the House of Representatives to change the Parliament's Standing Orders to require Ministers to direct...

Transparency Denied; Defence Exports to Sudan

7 September, 2023 - Australian Government refuses to be transparent about defence relations with Sudan in a time of humanitarian crisis Since April, Sudan ha...

Plibersek ignores conservation advice on Maugean skate

7 September, 2023 - Minister Plibersek has ignored her own department’s conservation advice and is failing to show the strong political leadership necessar...

Women left desperate and dateless for Super on PPL

6 September, 2023 - In Senate Question Time today the Government was unable to give women a date for when they will deliver on their so-called intention to prov...

Greens announce bill to impose curfew on late nights flights from Brisbane Airport

6 September, 2023 - With Brisbane Airport set to double its traffic by 2035, Greens MP Elizabeth Watson-Brown today announced plans to bring peace and a good ni...

Greens won’t rubber stamp Murray Darling Basin Bill: Sarah Hanson-Young

5 September, 2023 - The Greens cannot support the Government’s proposed changes to the Murray Darling Basin Plan in their current form. Senator Sarah Hanson-...

Greens force the release of VIP flight documents

5 September, 2023 - The Greens today successfully passed a motion in the Senate requiring the Albanese Government to produce documents on multi-million dollar V...

Labor completes double backflip to support Greens Inquiry into Middle Arm gas expansion

5 September, 2023 - Under pressure from the Greens, Labor has today backflipped again to support an important inquiry into the mammoth Middle Arm gas and petroc...

A change in CEO won’t fix Qantas’s problems - it’s time to consider bringing Qantas back into public hands

5 September, 2023 - Alan Joyce has made Qantas’s name synonymous with price gouging, mismanagement, attacking workers’ pay and conditions, and scandal. I’m sure...