Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

90% say global warming hurting Great Barrier Reef – governments need to listen

29 January, 2016 - A James Cook University study out today shows Australians care deeply for our Great Barrier Reef and are concerned about its future. "Austral...

Australia fairly slammed by Human Rights Watch

28 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens have called on Malcolm Turnbull to address the criticisms levelled against his government, due to its treatment of peop...

PM must not reward sexism or continue to delay Sex Discrimination Commissioner appointment

28 January, 2016 - Jamie Briggs' claim that Prime Minister Turnbull told him he could become a Minister again after sexist behaviour is even more evidence that ...

Turnbull cabinet must start at top with tax reform: Greens

28 January, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said that instead of considering a raise to the GST, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his...

Greens call on Labor not water down its moderate climate ambition

28 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens are concerned Labor is using consultations with business as an excuse to water down its climate pollution reduction tar...

Labor’s commitment to own policy welcome

28 January, 2016 - Labor’s return to its own policy of fully funding the Gonski reforms are a welcome development, Australian Greens spokesperson for schools Ni...

‘Enterprise contracts’ would dramatically undermine minimum standards: Greens

27 January, 2016 - Greens industrial relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said the Liberal government’s consideration of adopting enterprise contracts for...

Resources needed to help prevent fires in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area

25 January, 2016 - Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim has written to Environment Minister Greg Hunt to request urgent assistance to fight fires b...

Liberal Government watering down environmental conditions for mining mates

23 January, 2016 - Revelations today that the Liberal Government has watered down the environmental conditions of 21 projects, including coal mines, in the past...

Mark Latham’s sexist comments show urgent need for Sex Discrimination Commissioner

22 January, 2016 - Mark Latham's appalling comments about our admirable outgoing Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty, provide even more evidence the Liberal Gov...

Qld Nickel should have been made to pay for job-intensive rehabilitation of site up front

20 January, 2016 - Revelations that the state government failed to secure a bond for the rehabilitation of the Qld Nickel are deeply disappointing. "It's disgra...

People power stops sexist ‘pick up artist’ tour

19 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens congratulate the online community campaign that has successfully put a stop to Real Social Dynamics' Australian tour or...

Sexism almost everywhere most Australians believe

19 January, 2016 - Polling by Essential Research, out today, shows most Australians believe sexism and discrimination against women are widespread. “Clearly Aus...

Turnbull must heed advice of Govt doctors, release all children from detention

18 January, 2016 - It has been revealed that the Government has been ignoring medical advice from its own healthcare provider, IHMS, and putting hundreds of chi...

Revoke visa to stop promotion of violence and sexism

18 January, 2016 - The Australian Greens are calling on the Liberal Government to stop more sexist 'dating' seminars, which promote choking, threatening and abu...