Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

National Interest Analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is a farce

9 February, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Trade, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has labelled the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) National Interest Analy...

CSIRO climate science cuts a test for Turnbull: Greens

9 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens today said the CSIRO’s cuts to climate science are a test for Malcolm Turnbull on innovation and called on the Prime Mi...

Government confirms plans to introduce Divorce Tax

9 February, 2016 - Australian Greens spokesperson for Legal Affairs Nick McKim says he is disappointed the federal government is refusing to listen to the Senat...

GST rise is dead, but Turnbull must show us the body

8 February, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today said now that the GST rise is dead, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull must show us the body to...

Greens urge PM to accept Victorian offer to let asylum seekers stay

6 February, 2016 - The Australian Greens have today urged Malcolm Turnbull to accept the Victorian Government's offer to give refuge to the 267 asylum seekers s...

PM must condemn Dutton’s racist dog-whistle

5 February, 2016 - The draft cabinet briefing, reportedly prepared for the Immigration Minister and leaked to the media today, proposing a radical overhaul of t...

Liberal flat-tax proposal throwback to Joh Bjelke-Petersen

5 February, 2016 - Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP said the flat-tax proposal for income tax floated by Liberals MP Dan Tehan today is a throwback to...

Gutting CSIRO climate science is the enemy of innovation

4 February, 2016 - News that the Turnbull Liberal Government is sacking more CSIRO scientists, gutting climate science in Australia, shows what a climate-denial...

Federal Government refuses to back independent inquiry on TWWHA bushfires

4 February, 2016 - Despite being asked in Senate Question Time today, the federal government has refused to commit to an independent inquiry into the Tasmanian ...

Liberals crush Tasmania’s economic advantage in climate and Antarctic science

4 February, 2016 - Greens spokesperson for Antarctic issues Senator Whish-Wilson provides the following comments on the reported CSIRO job cuts: “I am devastate...

Andrew Robb is running scared on independent TPP scrutiny

4 February, 2016 - Today Andrew Robb has signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) on behalf of the Australian government. Greens spokesperson for Tr...

Turnbull ‘mum’ on fate of refugee babies & children

4 February, 2016 - In response to his first question since yesterday’s High Court decision concerning the fate of the 37 babies and 90 children living in Austra...

Greens move for House to decline ABCC bill in favour for broad-based anti-corruption watchdog

3 February, 2016 - Greens Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today moved for the House of Representatives to decline the ABCC bill and instead supp...

Senate agrees 150 days without a Sex Discrimination Commissioner in unacceptable

3 February, 2016 - The Senate has passed an Australian Greens motion calling on the Turnbull Liberal Government to hurry up and appoint a Sex Discrimination Com...

TWWHA fires adjournment speech

3 February, 2016 - Tasmania has so many beautiful places but one of its most breathtakingly spectacular places is the Walls of Jerusalem inside the Tasmanian Wi...