Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens move to protect child dental

7 February, 2017 - “Today I am moving to disallow the government’s harsh cuts to Medicare funded child dental care," Senator Richard Di Natale said today. “Late...

DSP assessment is heartless and is having real impacts on the ground: Greens

6 February, 2017 - The latest example of the way people with disability are being treated when attempting to access the Disability Support Pension (DSP) is hear...

Statement on legal developments in Tasmanian Salmon Industry

6 February, 2017 - Greens Senator for Tasmania and spokesperson for Healthy Oceans, Peter Whish-Wilson provides the following comments on the legal developments...

Prove you can’t be bought – vote to ban drilling in the Bight

6 February, 2017 - The Federal Senate will vote on whether to ban drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight tomorrow, following revelations oil giant Chevr...

Time to talk about genuine needs-based education funding

5 February, 2017 - While it is welcome to see some honesty around the over-funding of some of the wealthiest private schools, we need real action to put fairnes...

Damning findings by Audit office on implementation of Indigenous Advancement Strategy

3 February, 2017 - A carefully worded report by the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) is basically damning of the implementation of the Indigenous Advance...

PM must fold National Congress into Indigenous Advisory Council mix

2 February, 2017 - If the Government has in fact dissolved the Indigenous Advisory Council to appoint a new head and members, they should seek advice from Natio...

Ditch the dud deal and bring the refugees to Australia

2 February, 2017 - Malcolm Turnbull should scrap his refugee "deal" with the US and bring people detained on Manus Island and Nauru to Australia , Greens Immigr...

Turnbull’s Senate blackmail hits families already doing it tough

1 February, 2017 - The Prime Minister’s proposal to make childcare more affordable while cutting the family tax benefit is an attack on families already struggl...

End the US impasse, bring refugees to Australia

1 February, 2017 - Malcolm Turnbull should end the uncertainty and confusion over the US refugee "deal" and bring the people to Australia, Greens Immigration sp...

Details of NDIS secret deal must be revealed: Greens

1 February, 2017 - The Greens have called for the details of a secret deal signed between the WA and Federal Governments on the National Disability Insurance Sc...

Tax cut Senate push shows Turnbull is out of touch with Australian society

31 January, 2017 - The Greens Treasury spokesperson has criticised Malcolm Turnbull for continuing to push for tax cuts that would drive the budget further into...

Dutton must intervene to help pregnant woman on Nauru

31 January, 2017 - Immigration Minister Peter Dutton must immediately intervene so a pregnant woman on Nauru suffering serious health problems can receive medic...

Want clever Year Ones? Start with addressing early education funding shortfalls

30 January, 2017 - The Liberal Government’s plan to test Year One students is merely a distraction from their unwillingness to adequately fund and resource earl...

Greens to introduce Bill to protect Australia from dodgy trade deals

25 January, 2017 - Trade deals should not be able to include clauses that allow foreign companies to sue the Australian Government for legislative changes, know...