Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Another tragic death of a First Nations woman

2 December, 2022 - Diane Miller’s tragic death yesterday is just another case of senseless violence against First Nations women. The rate of these occurrences i...

Santos ruling sets a new precedent for offshore gas

2 December, 2022 - This landmark win for the Munupi Nation today sets a new precedent for consultation with Traditional Owners for offshore gas projects.  ...

Greens give notice of law to shut down notorious Don Dale child prison

1 December, 2022 - Thursday 1 December 2022 The Greens have given notice of a Bill that would close the notorious Don Dale Youth Detention Centre in Darwin.&...

Labor’s climate statement ignores new coal and gas

1 December, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt says the first Annual Climate Statement to Parliament is a good result of the Greens’ deal to pass the government’s ...

Greens call for the establishment of a Music Australia agency as part of the upcoming National Cultural Policy

30 November, 2022 - On the last day of AusMusic Month, the Greens are calling for the establishment of a government agency Music Australia. Music Australia w...

Inflation remains high as Greens introduce bill to freeze student debt

30 November, 2022 - Greens Deputy Leader and Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi will today formally introduce a private senator’s bill that abolishes...

Time for respect is now

30 November, 2022 - Today’s release of Time for respect: fifth national survey on sexual harassment in Australian workplaces shows that implementing the Respect...

NACC Bill passes Senate in historic vote with critical Greens amends on integrity

29 November, 2022 - NACC Bill passes Senate in historic vote with critical Greens amends on integrity Tuesday 29 November 2022 In an historic moment for t...

Behavioural codes of conduct will make parliament a safer place

29 November, 2022 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that new behavioural codes of conduct developed by the Joint Select Committe...

Plibersek must step in to stop mismanagement of critical water resources in the Northern Territory

28 November, 2022 - The Greens are calling on the Federal Water Minister to intervene to stop mismanagement of critical water resources in the Northern Territor...

School disruption inquiry puts target on teachers’ and students’ backs

28 November, 2022 - The Greens say a Senate inquiry into school disruption, initiated by the Liberals and backed by Labor, risks being used as a platform t...

Theia Energy wants to accelerate the climate crisis

28 November, 2022 - Today Theia Energy announced it will resubmit its application to frack the Canning Basin. Theia has changed its plans multiple times in a...

QLD climate costs can’t be ignored

28 November, 2022 - The Climate Council report released today shows that the costs of climate change-driven weather events cannot be ignored. The Greens are onc...

Australia must show leadership on negotiating a legally binding UN Global Plastics Treaty

28 November, 2022 - The Greens call on the Albanese Government to resist siding with multinational plastic packaging companies at the UN Global Plastics Tr...

Greens agree to back IR bill after boosting Paid Parental Leave and protections for the BOOT

27 November, 2022 - Greens Leader and Workplace Relations spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP and Greens Employment Spokesperson, Senator Barbara Pocock say the Greens ...