Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Treasurer fails to defend Stage 3 tax cuts

6 September, 2022 - In response to a simple question from the Greens Member for Brisbane during Question Time - “How are Labor’s Stage 3 tax cuts actually good ...

It's time for Lowe to go

6 September, 2022 - Philip Lowe should resign as Governor of the Reserve Bank for misleading Australians about interest rate rises, the Greens say. “Dr Lowe ind...

Greens get Government first steps on native forest burning

6 September, 2022 - During the Climate Change Bill negotiations, the Greens secured a commitment from the government to look at the destructive practice of burn...

Restoring lutruwita/Tasmania’s oceans on the political agenda in Canberra 

5 September, 2022 - The Greens have today succeeded in gaining support from all sides of politics to initiate a long overdue Senate inquiry into the spread of i...

Greens welcome ACTU & BCA support for our PPL Policy

1 September, 2022 - The Greens welcome the joint agreement of business groups and unions, and support the ACTU and Business Council of Australia in urging the g...

Barbara Pocock to fight for SA women at Jobs Summit

31 August, 2022 - Senator for South Australia and Employment spokesperson Barbara Pocock will be attending the Jobs and Skills summit alongside Greens Party Lea...

Greens lay the boot into weakening worker protections

31 August, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has expressed deep reservations about any weakening of the Better Off Overall Test, in light of demands by the Busine...

ARC review welcome but NIT and veto have to go

30 August, 2022 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed today’s announced review of the Australian Rese...

Labor's Stage 3 Tax Cuts give richest 1% as much as the bottom 65%

30 August, 2022 - New independent research from the Parliamentary Budget Office shows that Labor’s Stage 3 Tax cuts will give Australia’s richest 1% as much as ...

Deliver fee-free uni and TAFE to boost education

29 August, 2022 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Education spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement of fee-...

Less talk, more action on equal pay

29 August, 2022 - On Equal Pay Day the Greens have called on the new government to redress 9 years of inaction on gender equality, and act immediately to close ...

Aid package needed for Pakistan floods

29 August, 2022 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and International Aid spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that Australia must immediately provide aid...

Greens to move for energy transition authority in Parliament

29 August, 2022 - The Greens Industry, Transition and Regional Development spokesperson and Gladstone local, Senator Penny Allman-Payne, will give notice of a B...

Greens call on Plibersek to act on global leadership in oceans protection promise

28 August, 2022 - The Greens have called on Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to take a leading role in convening an emergency meeting with UN member states ...

Greens in Senate won’t rubber stamp Jobs Summit outcomes, want wages lift now

27 August, 2022 - Greens Leader and Workplace Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt has said any deal reached at the Jobs and Skills summit risked becoming nothing ...