Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Nets out now

26 August, 2022 - After the tenth whale has today been entangled in Queensland shark nets, the Greens are again calling on the state government for an urgent re...

Public confidence in Australia’s environment laws undermined by Tasmanian and federal bureaucrats

25 August, 2022 - Public confidence in Australia’s environment laws has been undermined by disturbing reports of Tasmanian and federal bureaucrats politicising ...

Greens call for nationwide rent freeze

25 August, 2022 - With the upcoming Jobs Summit and recent Everybody’s Home research detailing the impact the rental crisis is having on the broader economy, Ma...

Tax must be on Jobs Summit agenda: Greens

25 August, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt says Labor’s Stage 3 tax cuts for billionaires and the wealthy must be on the agenda at the Jobs and Skills Summit, j...

Ocean acreage release demonstrates why Labor cannot be trusted to meet its own weak climate target

24 August, 2022 - Labor has made a mockery of its own weak climate target by offering up 46,758 square kilometres of new ocean acreage for fossil fuel companies...

Greens push for Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into Morrison

24 August, 2022 - The Greens are calling for a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into Scott Morrison’s conduct in being secretly sworn into Ministries. Greens...

LGBTQIA+ Workers Left Out of Jobs and Skills Summit

24 August, 2022 - 24 August 2022 The Labor Party has published the Jobs + Skills Summit Issues Paper, and LGBTQIA+ people have been entirely left out despite li...

Greens condemn Labor’s failure to save Murujuga songlines

23 August, 2022 - Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has failed to save the Murujuga songlines, in allowing the Perdaman fertiliser plant to continue developm...

Greens join fight for sea country on Tiwi Islands, in legal first

22 August, 2022 - Today, hearings begin as Munupi Senior Lawman Dennis Tipakalippa sues Santos and the Federal Government over their approvals of the Barossa ga...

GG's failure to disclose PM's secret Ministries defied usual practice, records show

20 August, 2022 - 20 August 2022 Annual Reports show the Governor General has historically publicly disclosed details of the appointment and swearing in of M...

Battery cage phase-out long overdue and far too slow

18 August, 2022 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that today’s announced Australian poultry stan...

Jobs summit must tackle higher education crisis

17 August, 2022 - Ahead of joining the NTEU picket line at the University of Sydney staff strike this morning, Deputy Greens leader and Education spokesperson S...

Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan Will Not Protect Koalas

17 August, 2022 - The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan will not protect koalas or other threatened species, says Cate Faehrmann, Greens MP and planning spokes...

We need a Mining Super Profits Tax, not record dividends

16 August, 2022 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Nick McKim, has responded to the announcement by BHP that it will pay a record dividend by calling for a...