Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Greens urge Labor to recommit opposition to PEP-11

15 August, 2022 - The Greens urge Labor to publicly recommit its opposition to PEP-11 after revelations of the former PM’s extraordinary intervention to kill th...

Greens call for end to toxic parliamentary workplace culture

12 August, 2022 - The Australian Greens say today’s report into workplace culture in NSW Parliament shows that the toxic boys club of politics extends beyond Ca...

Still no credible plan to tackle teacher shortage crisis

12 August, 2022 - The Greens have called on the nation’s education ministers to tackle the root causes of the teacher shortage crisis, after today’s roundtable ...

Labor's plan will only meet 3% of social housing need

11 August, 2022 - Analysis provided by the Parliamentary Library predicts that Labor’s housing plan will deliver only 3% of the social housing Australia will ne...

End under-resourcing and increase salaries to fix teacher shortage crisis

11 August, 2022 - Ahead of tomorrow’s Education Ministers meeting, the Greens have called on federal, state and territory governments to address teacher shortag...

International offset accounting tricks won’t stop climate crisis, says Greens Leader

11 August, 2022 - On the Climate Change Authority Report into the international offsets market released today, attributable to Greens leader Adam Bandt MP: “The...

Plibersek must choose: Rinehart or climate

11 August, 2022 - The Greens have urged the Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to consider the emissions and climate impact of billionaire miner Gina Rinehart...

Greens welcome ACTU’s call for Stage Three tax cuts to be repealed

10 August, 2022 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Nick McKim, has responded to the ACTU’s paper to the Government Jobs Summit saying the pressure is growi...

Violence against women in mining must end now

9 August, 2022 - The Australian Greens today vowed to increase its push for the mining sector to undertake systemic reform to prevent violence against women in ...

Time to stop tax dodging millionaires and gas giants

9 August, 2022 - Greens Treasury spokesperson, Senator Nick McKim, has responded to the release of the latest taxation statistics by the ATO. “The fact that 60 ...

Labor’s Social Housing Plan will abandon hundreds of thousands of people to housing stress and homelessness

8 August, 2022 - Greens spokesperson for housing Max Chandler-Mather has today responded to the Housing Minister's comments on social housing, calling Labor's p...

Significant win for tax transparency

4 August, 2022 - Australia’s tax transparency laws have been significantly strengthened, with the Government supporting Greens amendments to lower the reporting...

Statement on anniversary of revocation of Article 370; Jammu and Kashmir.

4 August, 2022 - Australian Greens Statement on anniversary of revocation of Article 370 and downgrading of Jammu and Kashmir into a Union Territory.  On the ev...

Great Barrier Reef survival = no more oil and gas

4 August, 2022 - The Greens welcome reports of record coral recovery on parts of the Great Barrier Reef but warn the Government not to jeopardise its survival b...

Who cares? Greens launch national inquiry into work and care

3 August, 2022 - The Greens have today successfully established a Select Committee on Work and Care. Greens spokesperson for employment, Senator for South Austr...