Federal Greens MPs News

Media Releases

Labor offers nice words for active transport, but no real funding

7 May, 2024 - This morning Labor has announced a $100 million Active Transport Fund with a commencement date of 1 July 2025.  This falls far short of th...

Zero support for Labor’s attack on people seeking asylum and diaspora communities

7 May, 2024 - In a historic failure, the Albanese government has been unable to get a single stakeholder to support their shambolic Migration Amendment (Removal...

Zero support for Labor’s attack on people seeking asylum and diaspora communities

7 May, 2024 - In a historic failure, the Albanese government has been unable to get a single stakeholder to support their shambolic Migration Amendment (Removal...

Senate inquiry calls for price gouging to be made illegal and for supermarket divestiture powers

7 May, 2024 - The Greens-led Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices has recommended making price gouging illegal, as well as introducing divestiture laws...

Labor’s student debt announcement a step forward, but provides no cost of living relief, say Greens

5 May, 2024 - Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens and spokesperson for Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to Labor’s announcement on changes to ...

PM mealy-mouthed and evasive in the face of a national crisis

2 May, 2024 - Senator Penny Allman-Payne, Greens social services spokesperson, has slammed the Prime Minister for his pathetic response this morning t...

Labor is entrenching disadvantage

1 May, 2024 - Following calls from leading economists for the Albanese Government to increase Jobseeker and Youth Allowance to 90% of the Age Pension, Labor can...

National Cabinet a disgraceful missed opportunity

1 May, 2024 - Reacting to the National Cabinet communique, Greens spokesperson on Women and Leader in the Senate Larissa Waters said: “What a deeply underwhe...

Greens welcome targets to increase CALD leadership in the APS

30 April, 2024 - Australian Greens Deputy Leader Senator Mehreen Faruqi, who has long advocated for the need to increase the representation of people of colour ...

The nation said NO MORE gendered violence, now we need our government to act

29 April, 2024 - Lines attributable to Greens leader in the Senate and spokesperson on women, Larissa Waters “Thousands of people joined marches around the c...

Labor ignores its own Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee two years running

26 April, 2024 - The Greens have slammed Labor for ignoring the recommendations of its own hand-picked advisory body two years in a row, calling for an immediat...

Labor’s MIA in Perth on Mental Health Supports

26 April, 2024 - The Chair of Mental Health Australia has resigned because the Labor government has failed to take sufficient action on mental health policy. ...

Government can take action on men’s violence without waiting Royal Commission

26 April, 2024 - A Royal Commission could draw further attention to this epidemic, but we already know what needs to be done to reduce and eliminate violence ag...