Younger Australians

Young Australians are active participants in society but are excluded from having a say in shaping their future.

At 16, they can work, pay taxes, and serve in the military, yet they cannot vote on decisions that impact their lives. Nor can they begin to build a foundation for their financial future through the nation’s superannuation system.

The Greens are working to create new pathways for younger Australians to have a voice in our democracy and contribute to their futures.

This will ensure the next generation has a say in addressing urgent issues like climate change, housing, and education.

Explore Our Plan

Give Young Australians the Right to Vote

Young Australians are politically engaged and want a say in decisions affecting their lives and future. 

Giving young Australians the right to vote acknowledges the national and global crises that young people are experiencing and will inherit. 

Expanding voting rights—from men without property to women, First Nations people, and those aged 18-21—has consistently strengthened Australia’s democracy. 

Lowering the voting age to 16 is a simple way to bring Australia into global alignment and strengthen our democracy.

The Greens' plan:

  • Amend the Commonwealth Electoral Act to give Australians aged 16 and 17 the right to vote.
  • Provide the Australian Electoral Commission funding to enact changes to lower the voting age to 16.
  • Enact exemption for fines for those aged 16 and 17 who fail to vote.

Superannuation for people aged under 18

Young workers should receive the same financial rights as everyone else. Currently, most workers under 18 miss out on superannuation because they don’t work enough hours per week. 

This exclusion costs young people thousands in lost retirement savings, denying them a head start on saving for their future.

The Greens believe superannuation is a universal entitlement. By including under-18 workers in the superannuation system, we can set young people up for a more secure retirement while recognising their valuable contribution to the workforce.

The Greens' plan:

  • Extend the superannuation guarantee to all under 18-year-olds, ensuring they are paid contributions regardless of how many hours they work.