Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Greens Announce Future of Work Commission

13 May, 2022 - Media release  Greens Leader Adam Bandt has joined Greens candidate for Macnamara Steph Hodgins-May to announce a new election policy est...

Greens put free childcare on balance of power shortlist

8 May, 2022 - For less than what the government gives in handouts to the likes of Clive Palmer, we could have free childcare for all.

Greens to push for pilot to fully electrify homes and vehicles in entire town

5 May, 2022 - Media release  Greens Leader Adam Bandt has announced a new election policy for a $235 million “electrify everything” pilot program in bot...

Greens to push for affordable housing in balance of power

1 May, 2022 - Media release  With a minority Parliament a likely outcome and the Greens set for balance of power in the Senate in their own right, Green...

Greens to preference Labor to kick Morrison out

30 April, 2022 - Media Release Greens Leader Adam Bandt announced today that the Greens would preference Labor ahead of the Liberals across the country. Gree...

Uluru Statement from the Heart

30 April, 2022 - Adam Bandt, via twitter Let me be clear. The Greens were the first party to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full, and we st...

Liberal, Labor coal and gas addiction driving up power prices

29 April, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has laid the blame for rising power prices on the government’s failure to make progress on the transition to renewab...

Greens launch full climate and energy plan "Powering Past Coal and Gas"

28 April, 2022 - Media Release A push for levy on coal exports to fund disaster recovery and new export industries Greens Leader Adam Bandt has released t...

Northern Rivers housing crisis driven by wealthy few, new PBO data reveals

27 April, 2022 - New data has revealed that a small group of out-of-town property investors own a huge number of dwellings in the Northern Rivers seat of Richmo...

Greens pledge extra support to flood victims, rights to sue coal and gas corporations for damages

26 April, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt will today join Greens candidate for Richmond Mandy Nolan to announce that in balance of power after the next election...

Breathe easier and save cash by getting off the gas and electrifying

23 April, 2022 - Media Release Greens Leader Adam Bandt will today join solar installers, the Smart Energy Council and Queensland candidate for Ryan, Elizabe...

Greens launch plan for solar batteries and support to electrify homes and businesses

23 April, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt will today join solar installers, the Smart Energy Council and Queensland candidate for Ryan Elizabeth Watson-Brown to...