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Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Freeze electricity bills and make greedy energy corporations pay for it: Greens

4 November, 2022 - Freeze electricity bills and make greedy energy corporations pay for it: Greens With electricity prices set to soar, the cost of living cr...

Adam Bandt MP - Budget Reply Speech

26 October, 2022 - The cost of everything is going up but wages and incomes are going backwards.  People are going backwards.  Billionaires and ...

Methane Pledge means no new coal & gas mines: Greens

13 October, 2022 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has welcomed hints that the Labor Party is considering the long-standing Greens call to sign Jo...

Tweaks to tax cuts not the answer: Bandt

7 October, 2022 - Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has said that mooted ‘tweaks’ to Labor’s Stage 3 tax cuts are not the answer, and that the gover...

Greens get Government first steps on native forest burning

6 September, 2022 - During the Climate Change Bill negotiations, the Greens secured a commitment from the government to look at the destructive practice of burn...

Greens lay the boot into weakening worker protections

31 August, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt has expressed deep reservations about any weakening of the Better Off Overall Test, in light of demands by the Busine...

Labor's Stage 3 Tax Cuts give richest 1% as much as the bottom 65%

30 August, 2022 - New independent research from the Parliamentary Budget Office shows that Labor’s Stage 3 Tax cuts will give Australia’s richest 1% as much as ...

Tax must be on Jobs Summit agenda: Greens

25 August, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt says Labor’s Stage 3 tax cuts for billionaires and the wealthy must be on the agenda at the Jobs and Skills Summit, j...

International offset accounting tricks won’t stop climate crisis, says Greens Leader

11 August, 2022 - On the Climate Change Authority Report into the international offsets market released today, attributable to Greens leader Adam Bandt MP: “The...

Greens to support climate bill

3 August, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt speaking at the National Press Club today, confirmed that following negotiations with the Labor government which led t...

Greens to begin formal negotiations on climate bill

20 July, 2022 - The Australian Greens Party Room has met and had its first discussion regarding the government's Climate Change Bill and has empowered Greens Le...

PM needs to choose: co-operation or confrontation?

13 July, 2022 - Responding to the Prime Minister’s attempts to rewrite history and issue ‘take it or leave it’ ultimatums to the Parliament, Greens Leader Adam ...