Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Labor exempts coal mines, reality from climate policy

22 April, 2022 - In an incredible act of climate deceit, the Labor party has revealed that they would exempt every coal mine from their emissions safeguard mech...

Greens to make gas corporations pay their fair share of tax

20 April, 2022 - Media Release On Wednesday, Greens Leader Adam Bandt and Greens spokesperson for Mining and Resources Senator Dorinda Cox will be in Karrath...

Labor joins Liberals to aid the enemy on climate

19 April, 2022 - The Greens leader, Adam Bandt, says that Anthony Albanese’s unconditional surrender to the Liberals on coal means Labor has given up on climate...

Free NBN for low-income earners so no one is left offline

17 April, 2022 - Media Release The Greens have today announced a plan to provide free broadband internet access for one million households with a healthcare ...

Beetaloo dirty deal on eve of caretaker a climate crime: Bandt

15 April, 2022 - The Greens leader, Adam Bandt, has described the dirty deal done on the eve of election caretaker period between the Morrison government and NT...

Greens launch $500 million green steel plan in Illawarra

14 April, 2022 - Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP has today announced that the Greens would invest $500 million to kickstart the nation’s green st...

Dental into Medicare: Greens’ National Press Club Speech outlines balance of power plan

13 April, 2022 - In a major address outlining the party’s election platform, Adam Bandt will announce the Greens’ plan to get dental into Medicare at the Nation...

The fight for the future - Adam Bandt to the National Press Club

13 April, 2022 - We are fighting for our future. In balance of power, the Greens will kick the Liberals out and take climate action by stopping new coal and gas...

Green wave coming to QLD; Bandt in Brisbane

11 April, 2022 - The Greens are today campaigning in the key state of Queensland, where the party is aiming to pick up seats, with a balance of power pledge to ...

Greens election campaign: focus on climate to seize balance of power

10 April, 2022 - Finally, the election has been called. Greens Leader Adam Bandt has said it’s a relief to finally have a date when people can vote to kick the ...

More money earlier: Greens launch plan to lower age pension age back to 65 and increase pension rate

8 April, 2022 - Greens Welfare spokesperson Senator Janet Rice and Queensland Lead Senate candidate Penny Allman-Payne will today in Brisbane announce the Green...

IPCC says it’s “now or never” to quit coal and gas - or last drinks for a liveable planet

5 April, 2022 - IPCC says it’s “now or never” to quit coal and gas - or last drinks for a liveable planet    5 April 2022 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate...