Latest News, Articles & Media

Adam Bandt
Greens Leader & MP for Melbourne

Labor lockstep with Liberal on tax to drive US-style inequality in Australia

4 April, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, says Labor’s appeasement to right-wing flat tax reforms and keeping tax breaks for trusts and property investors i...

Greens back aged care workers pay boost

1 April, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, has backed in calls from aged care workers and their unions for a 25% wage increase for the aged care sector, sayi...

Budget in Reply 2022

31 March, 2022 -   This budget of bribes makes the climate crisis worse, locks in tax cuts for the wealthy and makes housing more expensive. The budget ...

Scott Morrison’s final budget makes housing more expensive, funds more coal & gas

30 March, 2022 - The Australian Greens have slammed the government’s final budget for making housing more expensive, locking in tax cuts for the wealthy and fun...

Fuel excise Budget cut may vanish but housing crisis and student debt will remain

28 March, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, says temporary Federal Budget cuts to fuel excise may not even make it to people’s pockets, and that rather than ...

50th anniversary of the Greens in lutruwita Tasmania

27 March, 2022 - Last week we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Green movement in lutruwita Tasmania, marking half a century since local protests against t...

Griffith housing crisis has voters knocking on Greens’ door

25 March, 2022 - Media Release The failure of the major parties to address skyrocketing housing prices will see inner-city electorates move to the Greens, Le...

Greens announce urgent housing build plan for flood affected areas in NSW

21 March, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt today joins Greens candidate for Richmond Mandy Nolan in Ballina, NSW, to announce that in balance of power after the ...

Morrison Government must stop protecting Russian Beetaloo Billionaire Oligarch

17 March, 2022 - The Greens are calling on Scott Morrison to immediately add to the sanctions list a Russian billionaire oligarch conducting business in Austral...

Greens to amend gov backed insurance scheme to cover all flood victims

11 March, 2022 - Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP, and Greens candidate for the flood affected electorate of Richmond, Mandy Nolan, have announced the Greens will m...

Australia should join US, UK on Russian Oil Boycott

9 March, 2022 - The Greens have called on Scott Morrison to join the US and UK who have overnight announced they will be boycotting Russian oil imports.  Over t...

Greens launch plan to turn Queensland’s sunshine into steel

7 March, 2022 - Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP and QLD Greens Senate candidate Penny Allman-Payne have announced the latest Greens policy to support jobs and devel...